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    Thread: access share attributed among several class methods
Post: access share attributed among several class method...

I have developed a GUI using tkinter with python 3.9. It works but I am facing the following problem. When I activate/deactivate one of the defined checkbox, in addition to activate/deactivate the rel...
drSlump General Coding Help 0 1,116 Nov-18-2021, 03:02 PM
    Thread: define entry via class on a loop
Post: RE: define entry via class on a loop

I have decided for a slightly different approach: the class creates an object so I can create entry, radio button and so on via instances. Checkbox does not work anymore though. It seems I cannot acc...
drSlump GUI 9 3,602 Oct-27-2021, 03:09 PM
    Thread: define entry via class on a loop
Post: RE: define entry via class on a loop tk.Frame is the parent I got it! right? P.S. the dictionary is still not updated using the entry
drSlump GUI 9 3,602 Oct-21-2021, 03:24 PM
    Thread: define entry via class on a loop
Post: RE: define entry via class on a loop

thanks, this is what I ment to do. However I have noticed that entry.bind('<FocusOut>', self._accept) an error when I run the code. Furthermore, the entries do not update the dictionary
drSlump GUI 9 3,602 Oct-21-2021, 11:51 AM
    Thread: define entry via class on a loop
Post: RE: define entry via class on a loop

first of all thanks for the feedback. I have two questions: - why are you using super().__init__(parent, *args, bg=bg, **kwargs) what does it mean? The second question require some preface: I have a ...
drSlump GUI 9 3,602 Oct-20-2021, 07:05 AM
    Thread: define entry via class on a loop
Post: define entry via class on a loop

I have defined an entry via the following class: class Entry(object): def __init__(self):#, foo1, foo2, nac, root, row): #*args, **kwargs): self.foo1 = tk.StringVar(value='default text')...
drSlump GUI 9 3,602 Oct-19-2021, 07:45 AM
    Thread: Update variable using tkinter entry methon
Post: RE: Update variable using tkinter entry methon

could you suggest me some reference focused on this specific topic? I have some ground knowledge of classes a OOP, but clearly not enough to face this example. Thanks
drSlump GUI 6 5,436 Oct-15-2021, 08:01 AM
    Thread: Update variable using tkinter entry methon
Post: RE: Update variable using tkinter entry methon

Thanks fot the explanation. I will play with it to understand better. Would you suggest me to use tkinter further or to move to Qt to develop my GUI?
drSlump GUI 6 5,436 Oct-14-2021, 07:11 AM
    Thread: Update variable using tkinter entry methon
Post: RE: Update variable using tkinter entry methon

wow! that's great! I will have a look at it as it looks quite complicate. Could you give me some reference so I can understand what have you done?? :/
drSlump GUI 6 5,436 Oct-13-2021, 01:17 PM
    Thread: plot on the same figure using a for loo with matplotlib
Post: RE: plot on the same figure using a for loo with m...

thanks. It seems there ia a problem with semilogx AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'semilogx'and by the way, I want all the plot to overlap (plot on the same axis)
drSlump General Coding Help 2 1,781 Oct-13-2021, 07:11 AM
    Thread: plot on the same figure using a for loo with matplotlib
Post: plot on the same figure using a for loo with matpl...

I plot lists' element, which is itself element of a dictionary, in several figure using a for loop for ind, item in enumerate(drop_down_var['h']): print([item[1:], drop_down_var['h'][ind]...
drSlump General Coding Help 2 1,781 Oct-08-2021, 10:45 AM
    Thread: Update variable using tkinter entry methon
Post: Update variable using tkinter entry methon

Hallo everyone, I have the following code. The goal is to create a GUI that takes the entry values and update vriables value that I want to use lter in another script that I have already tested. At th...
drSlump GUI 6 5,436 Sep-30-2021, 07:51 AM
    Thread: How to access class variable? instances vs class
Post: RE: How to access class variable? instances vs cla...

Sorry it was my mistake. Everything works fine and I think I got the point. Here is the code: class Employee: raise_amount = 2 def __init__(self ,first ,last ,pay ): self.first = fi...
drSlump General Coding Help 5 3,471 Dec-11-2019, 03:13 PM
    Thread: How to access class variable? instances vs class
Post: RE: How to access class variable? instances vs cla...

Thanks for the answer, I got the point about changing the class' name. I tested your subclass and it works in both ways though (self.raise_amount and Employee.raise_amount) I doing something wron...
drSlump General Coding Help 5 3,471 Dec-11-2019, 08:39 AM
    Thread: How to access class variable? instances vs class
Post: How to access class variable? instances vs class

Hello everyone, I am learning OOP in python, specifically class variables. It is clear to me what they are, but I do not get why they should be accessed through the instance. Referring to the followin...
drSlump General Coding Help 5 3,471 Dec-10-2019, 03:46 PM

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