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Inline code tag
ick...yeah thats not good

Im pretty sure that to restrict parsing to a custom mycode would require an edit to class_parser.php
 * MyBB 1.8
 * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website: #
 * License: #

options = array(
//metulburr - trying to get syntax to work
function my_nl2br($string){
$string = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $string);
if(preg_match_all('/\<pre\>(.*?)\<\/pre\>/', $string, $match)){
    foreach($match as $a){
        foreach($a as $b){
        $string = str_replace('<pre>'.$b.'</pre>', "<pre>".str_replace("<br>", "", $b)."</pre>", $string);
return $string;

function my2_nl2br($string){
    $string = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $string);
    if(preg_match_all('/\<pre class="brush: python"\>(.*?)\<\/pre\>/', $string, $match)){
        foreach($match as $a){
            foreach($a as $b){
                $string = str_replace('<pre class="brush: python">'.$b.'</pre>','<pre class="brush: python">'.str_replace("<br />", "\n", $b)."</pre>", $string);



        $excode = explode("\n", $string);
        if (count($excode) >= 50){

        return $string;


class postParser
	 * Internal cache of MyCode.
	 * @access public
	 * @var mixed
	public $mycode_cache = 0;

	 * Internal cache of smilies
	 * @access public
	 * @var mixed
	public $smilies_cache = 0;

	 * Internal cache of badwords filters
	 * @access public
	 * @var mixed
	public $badwords_cache = 0;

	 * Base URL for smilies
	 * @access public
	 * @var string
	public $base_url;

	 * Parsed Highlights cache
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	public $highlight_cache = array();

	 * Options for this parsed message
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	public $options;

	 * Internal cache for nested lists
	 * @access public
	 * @var array
	public $list_elements;

	 * Internal counter for nested lists
	 * @access public
	 * @var int
	public $list_count;

	 * Parses a message with the specified options.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed.
	 * @param array $options Array of yes/no options - allow_html,filter_badwords,allow_mycode,allow_smilies,nl2br,me_username,filter_cdata.
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function parse_message($message, $options=array())
		global $plugins, $mybb;

		// Set base URL for parsing smilies
		$this->base_url = $mybb->settings['bburl'];

		if($this->base_url != "")
			if(my_substr($this->base_url, my_strlen($this->base_url) -1) != "/")
				$this->base_url = $this->base_url."/";

		// Set the options
		$this->options = $options;

		$message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message_start", $message);

		// Get rid of carriage returns for they are the workings of the devil
		$message = str_replace("\r", "", $message);
		// Filter bad words if requested.
			$message = $this->parse_badwords($message);

		// Filter CDATA tags if requested (syndication.php).
			$message = $this->parse_cdata($message);

		// If MyCode needs to be replaced, first filter out [code] and [php] tags.
		if(!empty($this->options['allow_mycode']) && $mybb->settings['allowcodemycode'] == 1)
			// This code is reserved and could break codes
			$message = str_replace("<mybb-code>\n", "<mybb_code>\n", $message);

			preg_match_all("#\[(code|php)\](.*?)\[/\\1\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", $message, $code_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
			$message = preg_replace("#\[(code|php)\](.*?)\[/\\1\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", "<mybb-code>\n", $message);

			$message = $this->parse_html($message);
			$message = str_replace("&lt;mybb-code&gt;\n", "<mybb-code>\n", $message);
			// Replace base, meta,script and style tags in our post - these are > dangerous <
			$message = preg_replace('#<(/?)(base|meta|script|style)([^>]*)>#i', '&lt;$1$2$3&gt;', $message);
			$message = $this->fix_javascript($message);

			$find = array("<br />\n", "<br>\n");
			$replace = array("\n", "\n");
			$message = str_replace($find, $replace, $message);

		// Replace "me" code and slaps if we have a username
		if(!empty($this->options['me_username']) && $mybb->settings['allowmemycode'] == 1)
			global $lang;

			$message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/me ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1<span style=\"color: red;\">* {$this->options['me_username']} \\2</span>", $message);
			$message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/slap ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1<span style=\"color: red;\">* {$this->options['me_username']} {$lang->slaps} \\2 {$lang->with_trout}</span>", $message);

		// If we can, parse smilies
			$message = $this->parse_smilies($message, $this->options['allow_html']);

		// Replace MyCode if requested.
			$message = $this->parse_mycode($message);

		// Parse Highlights
			$message = $this->highlight_message($message, $this->options['highlight']);

		// Run plugin hooks
		$message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message", $message);

			// Now that we're done, if we split up any code tags, parse them and glue it all back together
			if(count($code_matches) > 0)
				foreach($code_matches as $text)
					if(my_strtolower($text[1]) == "code")
						// Fix up HTML inside the code tags so it is clean
						$text[2] = $this->parse_html($text[2]);

						$code = $this->mycode_parse_code($text[2]);
					elseif(my_strtolower($text[1]) == "php")
						$code = $this->mycode_parse_php($text[2]);
					$message = preg_replace("#\<mybb-code>\n?#", $code, $message, 1);

		if(!isset($this->options['nl2br']) || $this->options['nl2br'] != 0)
			$message = my2_nl2br($message);
			// Fix up new lines and block level elements
			$message = preg_replace("#(</?(?:html|head|body|div|p|form|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|td|th|ul|ol|li|div|p|blockquote|cite|hr)[^>]*>)\s*<br />#i", "$1", $message);
			$message = preg_replace("#(&nbsp;)+(</?(?:html|head|body|div|p|form|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|td|th|ul|ol|li|div|p|blockquote|cite|hr)[^>]*>)#i", "$2", $message);

		$message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message_end", $message);

		return $message;

	 * Converts HTML in a message to their specific entities whilst allowing unicode characters.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed.
	 * @return string The formatted message.
	function parse_html($message)
		$message = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&amp;", $message); // fix & but allow unicode
		$message = str_replace("<","&lt;",$message);
		$message = str_replace(">","&gt;",$message);
		return $message;

	 * Generates a cache of MyCode, both standard and custom.
	 * @access private
	function cache_mycode()
		global $cache, $lang, $mybb;
		$this->mycode_cache = array();

		$standard_mycode = $callback_mycode = $nestable_mycode = array();
		$standard_count = $callback_count = $nestable_count = 0;

		if($mybb->settings['allowbasicmycode'] == 1)
			$standard_mycode['b']['regex'] = "#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#si";
			$standard_mycode['b']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">$1</span>";

			$standard_mycode['u']['regex'] = "#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#si";
			$standard_mycode['u']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">$1</span>";

			$standard_mycode['i']['regex'] = "#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#si";
			$standard_mycode['i']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">$1</span>";

			$standard_mycode['s']['regex'] = "#\[s\](.*?)\[/s\]#si";
			$standard_mycode['s']['replacement'] = "<del>$1</del>";

			$standard_mycode['hr']['regex'] = "#\[hr\]#si";
			$standard_mycode['hr']['replacement'] = "<hr />";


		if($mybb->settings['allowsymbolmycode'] == 1)

			//$standard_mycode['copy']['regex'] = "#\(c\)#i";
			//$standard_mycode['copy']['replacement'] = "&copy;";

			//$standard_mycode['tm']['regex'] = "#\(tm\)#i";
			//$standard_mycode['tm']['replacement'] = "™";

			//$standard_mycode['reg']['regex'] = "#\(r\)#i";
			//$standard_mycode['reg']['replacement'] = "&reg;";


		if($mybb->settings['allowlinkmycode'] == 1)
			$callback_mycode['url_simple']['regex'] = "#\[url\]([a-z]+?://)([^\r\n\"<]+?)\[/url\]#si";
			$callback_mycode['url_simple']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback1');

			$callback_mycode['url_simple2']['regex'] = "#\[url\]([^\r\n\"<]+?)\[/url\]#i";
			$callback_mycode['url_simple2']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback2');

			$callback_mycode['url_complex']['regex'] = "#\[url=([a-z]+?://)([^\r\n\"<]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si";
			$callback_mycode['url_complex']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback1');

			$callback_mycode['url_complex2']['regex'] = "#\[url=([^\r\n\"<]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si";
			$callback_mycode['url_complex2']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback2');


		if($mybb->settings['allowemailmycode'] == 1)
			$callback_mycode['email_simple']['regex'] = "#\[email\](.*?)\[/email\]#i";
			$callback_mycode['email_simple']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_email_callback');

			$callback_mycode['email_complex']['regex'] = "#\[email=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/email\]#i";
			$callback_mycode['email_complex']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_email_callback');


		if($mybb->settings['allowcolormycode'] == 1)
			$nestable_mycode['color']['regex'] = "#\[color=([a-zA-Z]*|\#?[\da-fA-F]{3}|\#?[\da-fA-F]{6})](.*?)\[/color\]#si";
			$nestable_mycode['color']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"color: $1;\">$2</span>";


		if($mybb->settings['allowsizemycode'] == 1)
			$nestable_mycode['size']['regex'] = "#\[size=(xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large)\](.*?)\[/size\]#si";
			$nestable_mycode['size']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"font-size: $1;\">$2</span>";

			$callback_mycode['size_int']['regex'] = "#\[size=([0-9\+\-]+?)\](.*?)\[/size\]#si";
			$callback_mycode['size_int']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_handle_size_callback');


		if($mybb->settings['allowfontmycode'] == 1)
			$nestable_mycode['font']['regex'] = "#\[font=([a-z0-9 ,\-_'\"]+)\](.*?)\[/font\]#si";
			$nestable_mycode['font']['replacement'] = "<span style=\"font-family: $1;\">$2</span>";


		if($mybb->settings['allowalignmycode'] == 1)
			$nestable_mycode['align']['regex'] = "#\[align=(left|center|right|justify)\](.*?)\[/align\]#si";
			$nestable_mycode['align']['replacement'] = "<div style=\"text-align: $1;\">$2</div>";


		$custom_mycode = $cache->read("mycode");

		// If there is custom MyCode, load it.
			foreach($custom_mycode as $key => $mycode)
				$mycode['regex'] = str_replace("\x0", "", $mycode['regex']);
				$custom_mycode[$key]['regex'] = "#".$mycode['regex']."#si";

			$mycode = array_merge($standard_mycode, $custom_mycode);
			$mycode = $standard_mycode;

		// Assign the MyCode to the cache.
		foreach($mycode as $code)
			$this->mycode_cache['standard']['find'][] = $code['regex'];
			$this->mycode_cache['standard']['replacement'][] = $code['replacement'];

		// Assign the nestable MyCode to the cache.
		foreach($nestable_mycode as $code)
			$this->mycode_cache['nestable'][] = array('find' => $code['regex'], 'replacement' => $code['replacement']);

		// Assign the nestable MyCode to the cache.
		foreach($callback_mycode as $code)
			$this->mycode_cache['callback'][] = array('find' => $code['regex'], 'replacement' => $code['replacement']);

		$this->mycode_cache['standard_count'] = $standard_count;
		$this->mycode_cache['callback_count'] = $callback_count;
		$this->mycode_cache['nestable_count'] = $nestable_count;

	 * Parses MyCode tags in a specific message with the specified options.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed.
	 * @param array $options Array of options in yes/no format. Options are allow_imgcode.
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function parse_mycode($message, $options=array())
		global $lang, $mybb;

			$this->options = $options;

		// Cache the MyCode globally if needed.
		if($this->mycode_cache == 0)

		// Parse quotes first
		$message = $this->mycode_parse_quotes($message);

		$message = $this->mycode_auto_url($message);

		$message = str_replace('$', '$', $message);

		// Replace the rest
		if($this->mycode_cache['standard_count'] > 0)
			$message = preg_replace($this->mycode_cache['standard']['find'], $this->mycode_cache['standard']['replacement'], $message);

		if($this->mycode_cache['callback_count'] > 0)
			foreach($this->mycode_cache['callback'] as $replace)
				$message = preg_replace_callback($replace['find'], $replace['replacement'], $message);

		// Replace the nestable mycode's
		if($this->mycode_cache['nestable_count'] > 0)
			foreach($this->mycode_cache['nestable'] as $mycode)
				while(preg_match($mycode['find'], $message))
					$message = preg_replace($mycode['find'], $mycode['replacement'], $message);

		// Reset list cache
		if($mybb->settings['allowlistmycode'] == 1)
			$this->list_elements = array();
			$this->list_count = 0;

			// Find all lists
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#(\[list(=(a|A|i|I|1))?\]|\[/list\])#si", array($this, 'mycode_prepare_list'), $message);

			// Replace all lists
			for($i = $this->list_count; $i > 0; $i--)
				// Ignores missing end tags
				$message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list(=(a|A|i|I|1))?&{$i}\](.*?)(\[/list&{$i}\]|$)(\r\n?|\n?)#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback'), $message, 1);

		// Convert images when allowed.
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback1'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3})\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback2'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback3'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3}) align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback4'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback1'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3})\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback2'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback3'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3}) align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback4'), $message);

		// Convert videos when allow.
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[video=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/video\]#i", array($this, 'mycode_parse_video_callback'), $message);
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[video=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/video\]#i", array($this, 'mycode_parse_video_disabled_callback'), $message);

		return $message;

	 * Generates a cache of smilies
	 * @access private
	function cache_smilies()
		global $cache, $mybb, $theme, $templates;
		$this->smilies_cache = array();

		$smilies = $cache->read("smilies");
			$extra_class = $onclick = '';
			foreach($smilies as $sid => $smilie)
				$smilie['find'] = explode("\n", $smilie['find']);
				$smilie['image'] = str_replace("{theme}", $theme['imgdir'], $smilie['image']);
				$smilie['image'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->get_asset_url($smilie['image']));
				$smilie['name'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($smilie['name']);

				foreach($smilie['find'] as $s)
					$s = $this->parse_html($s);
					eval("\$smilie_template = \"".$templates->get("smilie", 1, 0)."\";");
					$this->smilies_cache[$s] = $smilie_template;
					// workaround for smilies starting with ;
					if($s[0] == ";")
						$this->smilies_cache += array(
							"&amp$s" => "&amp$s",
							"&lt$s" => "&lt$s",
							"&gt$s" => "&gt$s",

	 * Parses smilie code in the specified message.
	 * @param string $message $message The message being parsed.
	 * @param int $allow_html not used
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function parse_smilies($message, $allow_html=0)
		if($this->smilies_cache == 0)

		// No smilies?
			return $message;

		// First we take out any of the tags we don't want parsed between (url= etc)
		preg_match_all("#\[(url(=[^\]]*)?\]|quote=([^\]]*)?\])|(http|ftp)(s|)://[^\s]*#i", $message, $bad_matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
		if(count($bad_matches[0]) > 0)
			$message = preg_replace("#\[(url(=[^\]]*)?\]|quote=([^\]]*)?\])|(http|ftp)(s|)://[^\s]*#si", "<mybb-bad-sm>", $message);

		$message = strtr($message, $this->smilies_cache);

		// If we matched any tags previously, swap them back in
		if(count($bad_matches[0]) > 0)
			$message = explode("<mybb-bad-sm>", $message);
			$i = 0;
			foreach($bad_matches[0] as $match)
				$message[$i] .= $match;
			$message = implode("", $message);

		return $message;

	 * Generates a cache of badwords filters.
	 * @access private
	function cache_badwords()
		global $cache;
		$this->badwords_cache = array();
		$this->badwords_cache = $cache->read("badwords");

	 * Parses a list of filtered/badwords in the specified message.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed.
	 * @param array $options Array of parser options in yes/no format.
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function parse_badwords($message, $options=array())
			$this->options = $options;

		if($this->badwords_cache == 0)
			foreach($this->badwords_cache as $bid => $badword)
					$badword['replacement'] = "*****";

				// Take into account the position offset for our last replacement.
				$index = substr_count($badword['badword'], '*')+2;
				$badword['badword'] = str_replace('\*', '([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1})', preg_quote($badword['badword'], "#"));

				// Ensure we run the replacement enough times but not recursively (i.e. not while(preg_match..))
				$count = preg_match_all("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", $message, $matches);
				for($i=0; $i < $count; ++$i)
					$message = preg_replace("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", "\\1".$badword['replacement'].'\\'.$index, $message);
			$message = strip_tags($message);
		return $message;

	 * Resolves nested CDATA tags in the specified message.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed.
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function parse_cdata($message)
		$message = str_replace(']]>', ']]]]><![CDATA[>', $message);

		return $message;

 	 * Attempts to move any javascript references in the specified message.
	 * @param string The message to be parsed.
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function fix_javascript($message)
		$js_array = array(

		// Add invisible white space
		$message = preg_replace($js_array, "$1\xE2\x80\x8C$2$6", $message);

		return $message;

	* Handles fontsize.
	* @param int $size The original size.
	* @param string $text The text within a size tag.
	* @return string The parsed text.
	function mycode_handle_size($size, $text)
		$size = (int)$size+10;

		if($size > 50)
			$size = 50;

		$text = "<span style=\"font-size: {$size}pt;\">".str_replace("\'", "'", $text)."</span>";

		return $text;

	* Handles fontsize.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The parsed text.
	function mycode_handle_size_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_handle_size($matches[1], $matches[2]);

	* Parses quote MyCode.
	* @param string $message The message to be parsed
	* @param boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_quotes($message, $text_only=false)
		global $lang, $templates, $theme, $mybb;

		// Assign pattern and replace values.
		$pattern = "#\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\](\r\n?|\n?)#si";
		$pattern_callback = "#\[quote=([\"']|&quot;|)(.*?)(?:\\1)(.*?)(?:[\"']|&quot;)?\](.*?)\[/quote\](\r\n?|\n?)#si";

		if($text_only == false)
			$replace = "<blockquote><cite>$lang->quote</cite>$1</blockquote>\n";
			$replace_callback = array($this, 'mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback1');
			$replace = "\n{$lang->quote}\n--\n$1\n--\n";
			$replace_callback = array($this, 'mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback2');

			// preg_replace has erased the message? Restore it...
			$previous_message = $message;
			$message = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $message, -1, $count);
			$message = preg_replace_callback($pattern_callback, $replace_callback, $message, -1, $count_callback);
				$message = $previous_message;
		} while($count || $count_callback);

		if($text_only == false)
			$find = array(

			$replace = array(
				"</cite><br />",
			$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);
		return $message;

	* Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
	* @param string $message The message to be parsed
	* @param string $username The username to be parsed
	* @param boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_post_quotes($message, $username, $text_only=false)
		global $lang, $templates, $theme, $mybb;

		$linkback = $date = "";

		$message = trim($message);
		$message = preg_replace("#(^<br(\s?)(\/?)>|<br(\s?)(\/?)>$)#i", "", $message);

			return '';

		$username .= "'";
		$delete_quote = true;

		preg_match("#pid=(?:&quot;|\"|')?([0-9]+)[\"']?(?:&quot;|\"|')?#i", $username, $match);
			$pid = (int)$match[1];
			$url = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".get_post_link($pid)."#pid$pid";
				$linkback = " <a href=\"{$url}\">[ -> ]</a>";
				eval("\$linkback = \" ".$templates->get("postbit_gotopost", 1, 0)."\";");

			$username = preg_replace("#(?:&quot;|\"|')? pid=(?:&quot;|\"|')?[0-9]+[\"']?(?:&quot;|\"|')?#i", '', $username);
			$delete_quote = false;

		preg_match("#dateline=(?:&quot;|\"|')?([0-9]+)(?:&quot;|\"|')?#i", $username, $match);
			if($match[1] < TIME_NOW)
				$postdate = my_date('relative', (int)$match[1]);
				$date = " ({$postdate})";
			$username = preg_replace("#(?:&quot;|\"|')? dateline=(?:&quot;|\"|')?[0-9]+(?:&quot;|\"|')?#i", '', $username);
			$delete_quote = false;

			$username = my_substr($username, 0, my_strlen($username)-1);
			$username = htmlspecialchars_uni($username);

			return "\n{$username} {$lang->wrote}{$date}\n--\n{$message}\n--\n";
			$span = "";
				$span = "<span>{$date}</span>";

			return "<blockquote><cite>{$span}{$username} {$lang->wrote}{$linkback}</cite>{$message}</blockquote>\n";

	* Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback1($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_post_quotes($matches[4],$matches[2].$matches[3]);

	* Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback2($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_post_quotes($matches[4],$matches[2].$matches[3], true);

	* Parses code MyCode.
	* @param string $code The message to be parsed
	* @param boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_code($code, $text_only=false)
		global $lang;

		if($text_only == true)
			return "\n{$lang->code}\n--\n{$code}\n--\n";

		// Clean the string before parsing.
		$code = preg_replace('#^(\t*)(\n|\r|\0|\x0B| )*#', '\\1', $code);
		$code = rtrim($code);
		$original = preg_replace('#^\t*#', '', $code);


		$code = str_replace('$', '$', $code);
		$code = preg_replace('#\$([0-9])#', '\\\$\\1', $code);
		$code = str_replace('\\', '\', $code);
		$code = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $code);
		$code = str_replace("  ", '&nbsp;&nbsp;', $code);

		return "<div class=\"codeblock\">\n<div class=\"title\">".$lang->code."\n</div><div class=\"body\" dir=\"ltr\"><code>".$code."</code></div></div>\n";

	* Parses code MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_code_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_code($matches[1], true);

	* Parses PHP code MyCode.
	* @param string $str The message to be parsed
	* @param boolean $bare_return Whether or not it should return it as pre-wrapped in a div or not.
	* @param boolean $text_only Are we formatting as text?
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_php($str, $bare_return = false, $text_only = false)
		global $lang;

		if($text_only == true)
			return "\n{$lang->php_code}\n--\n$str\n--\n";

		// Clean the string before parsing except tab spaces.
		$str = preg_replace('#^(\t*)(\n|\r|\0|\x0B| )*#', '\\1', $str);
		$str = rtrim($str);

		$original = preg_replace('#^\t*#', '', $str);


		// See if open and close tags are provided.
		$added_open_tag = false;
		if(!preg_match("#^\s*<\?#si", $str))
			$added_open_tag = true;
			$str = "<?php \n".$str;

		$added_end_tag = false;
		if(!preg_match("#\?>\s*$#si", $str))
			$added_end_tag = true;
			$str = $str." \n?>";

		$code = @highlight_string($str, true);

		// Do the actual replacing.
		$code = preg_replace('#<code>\s*<span style="color: \#000000">\s*#i', "<code>", $code);
		$code = preg_replace("#</span>\s*</code>#", "</code>", $code);
		$code = preg_replace("#</span>(\r\n?|\n?)</code>#", "</span></code>", $code);
		$code = str_replace("\\", '\', $code);
		$code = str_replace('$', '$', $code);
		$code = preg_replace("#&amp;\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $code);

			$code = preg_replace("#<code><span style=\"color: \#([A-Z0-9]{6})\">&lt;\?php( |&nbsp;)(<br />?)#", "<code><span style=\"color: #$1\">", $code);

			$code = str_replace("?&gt;</span></code>", "</span></code>", $code);
			// Wait a minute. It fails highlighting? Stupid highlighter.
			$code = str_replace("?&gt;</code>", "</code>", $code);

		$code = preg_replace("#<span style=\"color: \#([A-Z0-9]{6})\"></span>#", "", $code);
		$code = str_replace("<code>", "<div dir=\"ltr\"><code>", $code);
		$code = str_replace("</code>", "</code></div>", $code);
		$code = preg_replace("# *$#", "", $code);

			return $code;

		// Send back the code all nice and pretty
		return "<div class=\"codeblock phpcodeblock\"><div class=\"title\">$lang->php_code\n</div><div class=\"body\">".$code."</div></div>\n";

	* Parses PHP code MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_php_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_php($matches[1], false, true);

	* Parses URL MyCode.
	* @param string $url The URL to link to.
	* @param string $name The name of the link.
	* @return string The built-up link.
	function mycode_parse_url($url, $name="")
		if(!preg_match("#^[a-z0-9]+://#i", $url))
			$url = "http://".$url;

			$url = $this->parse_html($url);

			$name = $url;

		if($name == $url && (!isset($this->options['shorten_urls']) || !empty($this->options['shorten_urls'])))
			$name = htmlspecialchars_decode($name);
			if(my_strlen($name) > 55)
				$name = my_substr($name , 0, 40).'...'.my_substr($name , -10);
			$name = htmlspecialchars_uni($name);

		$nofollow = '';
			$nofollow = " rel=\"nofollow\"";

		// Fix some entities in URLs
		$entities = array('$' => '%24', '$' => '%24', '^' => '%5E', '`' => '%60', '[' => '%5B', ']' => '%5D', '{' => '%7B', '}' => '%7D', '"' => '%22', '<' => '%3C', '>' => '%3E', ' ' => '%20');
		$url = str_replace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $url);

		$name = preg_replace("#&amp;\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $name); // Fix & but allow unicode
		$link = "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\"{$nofollow}>$name</a>";
		return $link;

	* Parses URL MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The built-up link.
	function mycode_parse_url_callback1($matches)
			$matches[3] = '';
		return $this->mycode_parse_url($matches[1].$matches[2], $matches[3]);

	* Parses URL MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The built-up link.
	function mycode_parse_url_callback2($matches)
			$matches[2] = '';
		return $this->mycode_parse_url($matches[1], $matches[2]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode.
	 * @param string $url The URL to the image
	 * @param array $dimensions Optional array of dimensions
	 * @param string $align
	 * @return string
	function mycode_parse_img($url, $dimensions=array(), $align='')
		global $lang;
		$url = trim($url);
		$url = str_replace("\n", "", $url);
		$url = str_replace("\r", "", $url);

			$url = $this->parse_html($url);

		$css_align = '';
		if($align == "right")
			$css_align = " style=\"float: right;\"";
		else if($align == "left")
			$css_align = " style=\"float: left;\"";
		$alt = basename($url);

		$alt = htmlspecialchars_decode($alt);
		if(my_strlen($alt) > 55)
			$alt = my_substr($alt, 0, 40).'...'.my_substr($alt, -10);
		$alt = htmlspecialchars_uni($alt);

		$alt = $lang->sprintf($lang->posted_image, $alt);
		if(isset($dimensions[0]) && $dimensions[0] > 0 && isset($dimensions[1]) && $dimensions[1] > 0)
			return "<img src=\"{$url}\" width=\"{$dimensions[0]}\" height=\"{$dimensions[1]}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$alt}\"{$css_align} />";
			return "<img src=\"{$url}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$alt}\"{$css_align} />";

	 * Parses IMG MyCode.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_callback1($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[2]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_callback2($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[4], array($matches[1], $matches[2]));

	 * Parses IMG MyCode.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_callback3($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[3], array(), $matches[1]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_callback4($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[5], array($matches[1], $matches[2]), $matches[3]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
	 * @param string $url The URL to the image
	 * @return string
	function mycode_parse_img_disabled($url)
		global $lang;
		$url = trim($url);
		$url = str_replace("\n", "", $url);
		$url = str_replace("\r", "", $url);
		$url = str_replace("\'", "'", $url);

		$image = $lang->sprintf($lang->posted_image, $this->mycode_parse_url($url));
		return $image;

	 * Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback1($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img_disabled($matches[2]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback2($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img_disabled($matches[4]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback3($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img_disabled($matches[3]);

	 * Parses IMG MyCode disabled.
	 * @param array $matches Matches.
	 * @return string Image code.
	function mycode_parse_img_disabled_callback4($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_img_disabled($matches[5]);

	* Parses email MyCode.
	* @param string $email The email address to link to.
	* @param string $name The name for the link.
	* @return string The built-up email link.
	function mycode_parse_email($email, $name="")
			$name = $email;
		if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9-_\+\.]+?)@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+$/si", $email))
			return "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">".$name."</a>";
		elseif(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9-_\+\.]+?)@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+\?(.*?)$/si", $email))
			return "<a href=\"mailto:".htmlspecialchars_uni($email)."\">".$name."</a>";
			return $email;

	* Parses email MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches
	* @return string The built-up email link.
	function mycode_parse_email_callback($matches)
			$matches[2] = '';
		return $this->mycode_parse_email($matches[1], $matches[2]);

	* Parses video MyCode.
	* @param string $video The video provider.
	* @param string $url The video to link to.
	* @return string The built-up video code.
	function mycode_parse_video($video, $url)
		global $templates;

		if(empty($video) || empty($url))
			return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]";

		$parsed_url = @parse_url(urldecode($url));
		if($parsed_url == false)
			return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]";

		$fragments = array();
			$fragments = explode("&", $parsed_url['fragment']);

		$queries = explode("&", $parsed_url['query']);

		$input = array();
		foreach($queries as $query)
			list($key, $value) = explode("=", $query);
			$key = str_replace("amp;", "", $key);
			$input[$key] = $value;

		$path = explode('/', $parsed_url['path']);

			case "dailymotion":
				list($id) = explode('_', $path[2], 2); //
			case "metacafe":
				$id = $path[2]; //
				$title = htmlspecialchars_uni($path[3]);
			case "myspacetv":
				$id = $path[4]; //
			case "facebook":
					$id = $input['v']; //
				elseif(substr($path[3], 0, 3) == 'vb.')
					$id = $path[4]; //
					$id = $path[3]; //
			case "veoh":
				$id = $path[2]; //
			case "liveleak":
				$id = $input['i']; //
			case "yahoo":
					$id = $path[2]; //
					$id = $path[1]; //
				// Support for localized portals
				$domain = explode('.', $parsed_url['host']);
				if($domain[0] != 'screen' && preg_match('#^([a-z-]+)$#', $domain[0]))
					$local = "{$domain[0]}.";
					$local = '';
			case "vimeo":
					$id = $path[3]; //
					$id = $path[1]; //
			case "youtube":
					$id = str_replace('!v=', '', $fragments[0]); //!v=fds123
					$id = $input['v']; //
					$id = $path[1]; //
				return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]";

			return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]";

		$id = htmlspecialchars_uni($id);

		eval("\$video_code = \"".$templates->get("video_{$video}_embed")."\";");

		return $video_code;

	* Parses video MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The built-up video code.
	function mycode_parse_video_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_video($matches[1], $matches[2]);

	 * Parses video MyCode disabled.
	 * @param string $url The URL to the video
	 * @return string
	function mycode_parse_video_disabled($url)
		global $lang;
		$url = trim($url);
		$url = str_replace("\n", "", $url);
		$url = str_replace("\r", "", $url);
		$url = str_replace("\'", "'", $url);

		$video = $lang->sprintf($lang->posted_video, $this->mycode_parse_url($url));
		return $video;

	* Parses video MyCode disabled.
	* @param array $matches Matches.
	* @return string The built-up video code.
	function mycode_parse_video_disabled_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_video_disabled($matches[2]);

	* Parses URLs automatically.
	* @param string $message The message to be parsed
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_auto_url($message)
		$message = " ".$message;
		// Links should end with slashes, numbers, characters and braces but not with dots, commas or question marks
		$message = preg_replace_callback("#([\>\s\(\)])(http|https|ftp|news|irc|ircs|irc6){1}://([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/([^\"\s<\[]|\[\])*)?([\w\/\)]))#iu", array($this, 'mycode_auto_url_callback'), $message);
		$message = preg_replace_callback("#([\>\s\(\)])(www|ftp)\.(([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/([^\"\s<\[]|\[\])*)?([\w\/\)]))#iu", array($this, 'mycode_auto_url_callback'), $message);
		$message = my_substr($message, 1);

		return $message;

	* Parses URLs automatically.
	* @param array $matches Matches
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_auto_url_callback($matches)
		$external = '';
		// Allow links like but detect mismatching braces
		while(my_substr($matches[3], -1) == ')')
			if(substr_count($matches[3], ')') > substr_count($matches[3], '('))
				$matches[3] = my_substr($matches[3], 0, -1);
				$external = ')'.$external;

			// Example: ([...]
			$last_char = my_substr($matches[3], -1);
			while($last_char == '.' || $last_char == ',' || $last_char == '?' || $last_char == '!')
				$matches[3] = my_substr($matches[3], 0, -1);
				$external = $last_char.$external;
				$last_char = my_substr($matches[3], -1);
		if($matches[2] == 'www' || $matches[2] == 'ftp')
			return "{$matches[1]}[url]{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}[/url]{$external}";
			return "{$matches[1]}[url]{$matches[2]}://{$matches[3]}[/url]{$external}";

	* Parses list MyCode.
	* @param string $message The message to be parsed
	* @param string $type The list type
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_list($message, $type="")
		// No list elements? That's invalid HTML
		if(strpos($message, '[*]') === false)
			$message = "[*]{$message}";

		$message = preg_replace("#[^\S\n\r]*\[\*\]\s*#", "</li>\n<li>", $message);
		$message .= "</li>";

			$list = "\n<ol type=\"$type\">$message</ol>\n";
			$list = "<ul>$message</ul>\n";
		$list = preg_replace("#<(ol type=\"$type\"|ul)>\s*</li>#", "<$1>", $list);
		return $list;

	* Parses list MyCode.
	* @param array $matches Matches
	* @return string The parsed message.
	function mycode_parse_list_callback($matches)
		return $this->mycode_parse_list($matches[3], $matches[2]);

	* Prepares list MyCode by finding the matching list tags.
	* @param array $matches Matches
	* @return string Temporary replacements.
	function mycode_prepare_list($matches)
		// Append number to identify matching list tags
		if(strcasecmp($matches[1], '[/list]') == 0)
			$count = array_pop($this->list_elements);
			if($count !== NULL)
				return "[/list&{$count}]";
				// No open list tag...
				return $matches[0];
			$this->list_elements[] = $this->list_count;
				return "[list{$matches[2]}&{$this->list_count}]";
				return "[list&{$this->list_count}]";

	 * Strips smilies from a string
	 * @param string $message The message for smilies to be stripped from
	 * @return string The message with smilies stripped
	function strip_smilies($message)
		if($this->smilies_cache == 0)
			$message = str_replace($this->smilies_cache, array_keys($this->smilies_cache), $message);
		return $message;

	 * Highlights a string
	 * @param string $message The message to be highligted
	 * @param string $highlight The highlight keywords
	 * @return string The message with highlight bbcodes
	function highlight_message($message, $highlight)
			$this->highlight_cache = build_highlight_array($highlight);

		if(is_array($this->highlight_cache) && !empty($this->highlight_cache))
			$message = preg_replace(array_keys($this->highlight_cache), $this->highlight_cache, $message);

		return $message;

	 * Parses message to plain text equivalents of MyCode.
	 * @param string $message The message to be parsed
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return string The parsed message.
	function text_parse_message($message, $options=array())
		global $plugins;

			$this->options = $options;

		// Filter bad words if requested.
			$message = $this->parse_badwords($message);

		// Parse quotes first
		$message = $this->mycode_parse_quotes($message, true);

		$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[php\](.*?)\[/php\](\r\n?|\n?)#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_php_callback'), $message);
		$message = preg_replace_callback("#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\](\r\n?|\n?)#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_code_callback'), $message);

		$find = array(

		$replace = array(
			"$3 ($1$2)",
			"$2 ($1)",
		$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);

		// Replace "me" code and slaps if we have a username
			global $lang;

			$message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/me ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$this->options['me_username']} \\2", $message);
			$message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/slap ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$this->options['me_username']} {$lang->slaps} \\2 {$lang->with_trout}", $message);

		// Reset list cache
		$this->list_elements = array();
		$this->list_count = 0;

		// Find all lists
		$message = preg_replace_callback("#(\[list(=(a|A|i|I|1))?\]|\[/list\])#si", array($this, 'mycode_prepare_list'), $message);

		// Replace all lists
		for($i = $this->list_count; $i > 0; $i--)
			// Ignores missing end tags
			$message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list(=(a|A|i|I|1))?&{$i}\](.*?)(\[/list&{$i}\]|$)(\r\n?|\n?)#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback'), $message, 1);

		// Run plugin hooks
		$message = $plugins->run_hooks("text_parse_message", $message);

		return $message;
Recommended Tutorials:

Messages In This Thread
Inline code tag - by Ofnuts - Nov-23-2016, 08:29 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by stranac - Dec-01-2016, 09:16 AM
RE: Dear Santa - by stranac - Dec-01-2016, 03:53 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by Ofnuts - Dec-01-2016, 11:42 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by nilamo - Dec-01-2016, 07:59 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by stranac - Dec-02-2016, 05:34 AM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 11:50 AM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 12:06 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 12:17 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 12:22 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 12:34 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 12:36 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 12:44 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by stranac - Dec-02-2016, 03:38 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 03:49 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by stranac - Dec-02-2016, 03:54 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 03:58 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 04:23 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 04:26 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by snippsat - Dec-02-2016, 04:38 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by metulburr - Dec-02-2016, 04:51 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by nilamo - Dec-02-2016, 11:42 PM
RE: Dear Santa - by Ofnuts - Dec-05-2016, 12:11 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by Kebap - Dec-09-2016, 11:02 AM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-09-2016, 12:23 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by Kebap - Dec-09-2016, 01:04 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by Kebap - Dec-13-2016, 12:15 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-09-2016, 01:16 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by snippsat - Dec-13-2016, 03:29 AM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-13-2016, 05:41 AM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-13-2016, 03:47 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by snippsat - Dec-13-2016, 04:11 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-13-2016, 04:26 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by metulburr - Dec-13-2016, 04:22 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by metulburr - Dec-13-2016, 04:28 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-13-2016, 04:33 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by snippsat - Dec-13-2016, 04:38 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-13-2016, 04:45 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by metulburr - Dec-13-2016, 05:04 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by Kebap - Dec-16-2016, 03:09 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-16-2016, 04:04 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by Kebap - Dec-16-2016, 04:45 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by snippsat - Dec-22-2016, 03:30 PM
RE: Inline code tag - by stranac - Dec-22-2016, 08:34 PM

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