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auto-generate code for Entry box location
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auto-generate code for Entry box location
I'm following a video on youtube that creates a bunch of entry boxes in tkinter and an associated label. The video has a fixed number of entry boxes whereas my code auto-generates the entry boxes because the number I need changes depending on which notebook frame/tab the user is in. I'm struggling with positioning that labels/entry in the frame. It's easy when you have a fixed number but not so easy when they are auto-generated.

My code just creates a couple of columns for each entry and label pair. I'm trying to find a way so they are paired in rows that fit the size of the window.

Here is the video with roughly what I am trying to create

And here is my code that I have been trying to make work. It's the part I have commented as "# Add Entry boxes to record and edit records". Thank you for any help.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
import sqlite3

### Create tkinter window ##
root = Tk()

### Add a Notebook to window ###
notebook = Notebook(root)                                                                                       # Adds a Notebook to the root windo
notebook.pack(fill="both", expand=1, pady=0)                                                                    # Packs the  Notebook to the root window 

### Class to add different types of tab to the notebook ###
class Create_tab_frame:
    # Makes a blank tab in the notebook with the object name and tab name 'notebook_tab_name'
    def __init__(self, notebook_tab_name, contact_details):
        self.notebook_tab_name = notebook_tab_name
        self.contact_details = contact_details

        self.notebook_frame = Frame(notebook)                                                                   # Makes a frame in notebook called notebook_frame
        self.notebook_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=1)                                                         # Packs the notebook_frame
        notebook.add(self.notebook_frame, text=str(self.notebook_tab_name))                                     # Adds the frame to the notebook frame and calls it text=...

    # Makes a tab for administration of contacts
    def contact_tab(self):
        # Set style parameters = Style()                                                                                    # Adds the style widget from ttk to use in tkinter"Treeview",                                                                              # sets the colour of the selected row
            background=[('selected', "#347083")])

        # Make a frame in the notebook frame and adds a scrollbar         
        self.tree_frame = Frame(self.notebook_frame)                                                            # Makes a frame inside notebook_frame
        self.tree_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=1, pady=0)                                                     # Packs tree_frame
        self.tree_frame_scroll = Scrollbar(self.tree_frame)                                                     # Adds a scrollbar to tree_frame
        self.tree_frame_scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)                                                         # Packs the scrollbar
        # Add Treeview to the frame inside the notebook frame
        self.tree = Treeview(self.tree_frame, yscrollcommand=self.tree_frame_scroll.set, selectmode="extended") # Makes the Treeview table inside the tree_frame, which is inside the Notebook frame
        self.tree.pack(fill="both", expand=1)                                                                   # Packs the Treeview table
        self.tree_frame_scroll.config(command=self.tree.yview)                                                  #Configures the scrollbar

        # Add columns to Treeview and gives them names/headings
        self.tree['columns'] = self.contact_details                                                             # contact_detail taken from __init__ are used to make columns 

        self.tree.column("#0", width=0, stretch=NO)                                                             # sets the width of the first (null) column to 0 to make it invisible
        for i in self.contact_details:                                                                          # Loops through the number of columns the tab has and sets each to 50px
            self.tree.column(i, minwidth=25, width=50) 
        self.tree.heading("#0", text="")                                                                        # Sets the heading of each column to the names defined by the tab constructor
        for i in self.contact_details:
            self.tree.heading(i, text=i) 

        # Colour stripe the rows in the Treeview table
        #self.tree.tag_configure('oddrow', background="white")
        #self.tree.tag_configure('evenrow', background="lightblue")

        # Add Entry boxes to record and edit records
        data_frame = LabelFrame(self.notebook_frame, text="Add/Edit " + self.notebook_tab_name + " Information") # Make a frame to add Entry boxes
        data_frame.pack(fill="x", expand="1", pady=10)

        for i in self.contact_details:
            i = Label(data_frame, text=i) # For each item in contact_details a Label is created
            i = Entry(data_frame) # For each item in contact_details an Entry box is created

        # Add functional buttons
        button_frame = LabelFrame(self.notebook_frame)
        button_frame.pack(fill="x", expand="1", pady=10)

        add_button = Button(button_frame, text="Add " + self.notebook_tab_name)
        add_button.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=10)

        update_button = Button(button_frame, text="Update " + self.notebook_tab_name + " Details")
        update_button.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)

        remove_button = Button(button_frame, text="Remove " + self.notebook_tab_name + " Details")
        remove_button.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=10, pady=10)

        view_history_button = Button(button_frame, text="View " + self.notebook_tab_name + " History")
        view_history_button.grid(row=1, column=4, padx=10, pady=10)

### Create customer tab ###
customer_tab_name = "Customers"
customer_details = ("ID",

customer_tab = Create_tab_frame(customer_tab_name, customer_details)

### Create vendor tab ###
vendor_tab_name = "Vendors"
vendor_details = (  "ID",
vendor_tab = Create_tab_frame(vendor_tab_name, vendor_details)

You could set the row and column values for each widget added as it goes through the loop
class Create_tab_frame:
    # Makes a blank tab in the notebook with the object name and tab name 'notebook_tab_name'
    def __init__(self, notebook_tab_name, contact_details):
        self.notebook_tab_name = notebook_tab_name
    def contact_tab(self):
        # Set style parameters = Style()
        row = 1
        column = 1
        for text in self.contact_details:
            label = Label(data_frame, text=text) # For each item in contact_details a Label is created
            label.grid(row=row, column=column, padx=10, pady=10) 
            column +=1
            entry = Entry(data_frame) # For each item in contact_details an Entry box is created
            entry.grid(row=row, column=column, padx=10, pady=10)
            if column == 8:
                row += 1
                column = 1
                column +=1              

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