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A simple little pong game I created using Pygame.

#                                                                                                    #
#                  ,-.----.            ,-.----.                                                      #
#                  \    /  \           \    /  \                                                     #
#                  |   :    \          |   :    \                                                    #
#                  |   |  .\ :         |   |  .\ :   ,---.        ,---,                              #
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#                  :   ' |   .  \  ' | :   ' |    |   :    ||   | |  |/ '   .   . |                  #
#                  :   : :    \  ;   : :   : :     \   \  / |   | |--'   `---`-'| |                  #
#                  |   | :     \  \  ; |   | :      `----'  |   |/       .'__/\_: |                  #
#                  `---'.|      :  \  \`---'.|              '---'        |   :    :    v1.0          #
#                    `---`       \  ' ;  `---`                            \   \  /                   #
#                                 `--`                                     `--`-'                    #
#                                                                                                    #

# PyPong 1.0
# Terry Ritchie
# 04/15/17

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - IMPORT LIBRARIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import pygame               # pygame graphics engine
import random               # random number library
import os                   # operating system library
import winsound             # windows sound library
import sys                  # system functions
from pygame.locals import * # pygame constants

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DEFINE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SWIDTH = 768                # width of play screen
SHEIGHT = 576               # height of play screen
FPS = 480                   # frames per second of game play
PSIZE = 10                  # width/height of puck
PWIDTH = 10                 # width of player paddles
PHEIGHT = 60                # height of player paddles
PSPEED = 480 // FPS         # speed of player paddles and puck
POFFSET = 20                # paddle distance from edge of screen
PLAYER1 = 0                 # player one value
PLAYER2 = 1                 # player 2 value
GAMEINPROGRESS = -1         # denotes game in progress
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)     # define constant colors
LGRAY = (192, 192, 192)
GRAY  = (128, 128, 128)
BLACK = (  0,   0,   0)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DEFINE VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pxdir = 0.0                 # puck x direction vector
pydir = 0.0                 # puck y direction vector
puckx = 0.0                 # puck x coordinate location
pucky = 0.0                 # puck y coordinate location
p1x = 0.0                   # player 1 x coordinate location
p1y = 0.0                   # player 1 y coordinate location
p2x = 0.0                   # player 2 x coordinate location
p2y = 0.0                   # player 2 y coordinate location
pscore = []                 # player scores
scoretext = []              # big numbers custom strings
missed = 0                  # holds value of player that missed puck
ai = False                  # True if playing the computer
numplayers = 0              # number of human players
font = 0                    # font used within game
clock = 0                   # clock FPS timer
screen = 0                  # window surface
players_text = 0            # instruction texts
spacebar_text = 0           
player1_text = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DEFINE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Draw_Frame(): # draw the current play field                                           Draw_Frame()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    sx = 0      # x coordinate of score digits
    sy = 50     # y coordinate of score digits
    clr = 0     # color of score digits

    pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (0, 19, SWIDTH, 10), 0)                 # draw top and
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (0, SHEIGHT - 29, SWIDTH, 10), 0)       # bottom lines
    for y in range(40, SHEIGHT - 52, 30):                                   # draw dashed line
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, GRAY, (SWIDTH // 2 - 5, y, 10, 15), 0)
    for p in range(PLAYER1, PLAYER2 + 1):                                   # draw score digits
        if p == 0:
            sx = SWIDTH // 2 - 100
            sx = SWIDTH // 2 + 55
        if pscore[p] == 9:
            clr = WHITE
            clr = LGRAY
        Draw_Digit(sx, sy, pscore[p], clr)
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (p1x, p1y, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT), 0)         # draw paddles
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (p2x, p2y, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT), 0)
    if missed == GAMEINPROGRESS:                                            # if game in progress
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (puckx, pucky, PSIZE, PSIZE), 0)    # draw puck
        pygame.display.flip()                                               # and update screen

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Instructions(): # display game instructions to player                               Instructions()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    global ai, numplayers, pscore   # need to modify these globals

    fcount = 0          # frame counter
    blink = True        # show "press spacebar" when True
    waiting = True      # wait for spacebar to be pressed
    numplayers = 0      # number of human players
    ready = 4           # countdown timer
    player2_text = font.render("SELECT (1) OR (2) PLAYERS NOW", True, WHITE)

    while ready > 0:
        Play_Round()                                # draw frame
        if waiting:
            pygame.event.pump()                     # clear keyboard buffer
            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()         # get keys currently held down
            if keys[K_SPACE] and numplayers:        # spacebar key
                waiting = False
                fcount = FPS * 3 + 1                # countdown sequence value
            if keys[K_ESCAPE]:                      # ESC key
            if keys[K_1] and numplayers != 1:       # number 1 key
                numplayers = 1
                ai = True                           # computer will be player 2
                winsound.Beep(440, 55)
                winsound.Beep(880, 55)
                player2_text = font.render("PLAYER 2: THE CPU HAS CONTROL", True, WHITE)
            if keys[K_2] and numplayers != 2:       # number 2 key
                numplayers = 2
                ai = False                          # human will be player 2
                winsound.Beep(440, 55)
                winsound.Beep(880, 55)
                player2_text = font.render("PLAYER 2: UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW", True, WHITE)
            if numplayers > 0:                      # show blinking "press spacebar"
                fcount += 1
                if fcount == FPS:
                    fcount = 0
                    blink = not(blink)
                if blink:
                    screen.blit(spacebar_text, [(SWIDTH - 178) // 2, SHEIGHT - 17])
            screen.blit(players_text, [(SWIDTH - 306) / 2, 2])
            screen.blit(player1_text, [(SWIDTH // 2 - 197) // 2, (SHEIGHT - 18) // 2])
            screen.blit(player2_text, [(SWIDTH // 2) + ((SWIDTH // 2) - 220) // 2, (SHEIGHT - 18) // 2])
        else:                                       # countdown sequence
            pscore[PLAYER1] = 0
            pscore[PLAYER2] = 0
            fcount -= 1
            if fcount % FPS == 0:                   # keep track of each second elapsed
                winsound.Beep(ready * 220, 55)
                ready -= 1
            Draw_Digit((SWIDTH - 45) // 2, (SHEIGHT - 75) //2, ready, WHITE)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def New_Game(): # new game initialization                                                   New_Game()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    global p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, missed, ai, numplayers           # need to modify these globals

    winsound.Beep(440, 55)                                      # intro sounds
    winsound.Beep(880, 55)
    missed = PLAYER2                                            # serve to player 2
    ai = False                                                  # assume two human players
    numplayers = 0
    p1x = POFFSET                                               # reset paddle locations
    p1y = SHEIGHT // 2 - PHEIGHT // 2
    p2y = SHEIGHT // 2 - PHEIGHT // 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Reset_Round(): # resets the condition for the next round of play                     Reset_Round()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    global pxdir, pydir, puckx, pucky, missed                   # need to modify these globals

    pucky = random.randrange(50, SHEIGHT - 50)                  # random puck y coordinate
    pydir = ((random.random() - random.random()) / 2) * PSPEED  # and vertical direction
    if missed == PLAYER1:                                       # set puck heading toward player 1
        pxdir = -0.5 * PSPEED
        puckx = SWIDTH * .75
    else:                                                       # set puck heading toward player 2
        pxdir = 0.5 * PSPEED
        puckx = SWIDTH * .25
    missed = GAMEINPROGRESS                                     # put game back into play

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Draw_Digit(dx, dy, d, c): # draw a large digit to the screen                          Draw_Digit()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # dx = digit top left x coordinate
    # dy = digit top left y coordinate
    # d  = digit (0 - 9)
    # c  = digit color

    # The large digits are drawn as follows:
    #              x 
    #          ---------
    #          0   1   2
    #        +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+   If there is a character (non-space) in the text a
    #    | 0 | * | * | * |      | * | * | * |   square is drawn in that position. As the nested for
    #    |   +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+   statements progress a number is drawn from the text
    #    | 1 | * |   | * |      |   |   | * |   that describes where a square should be placed in
    #    |   +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+   each row.
    #  y | 2 | * |   | * |      | * | * | * |
    #    |   +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+
    #    | 3 | * |   | * |      |   |   | * |
    #    |   +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+
    #    | 4 | * | * | * |      | * | * | * |
    #    |   +---+---+---+      +---+---+---+
    #      "0000 00 00 0000"  "333  3333  3333"
    #       |||---|||---|||    |||---|||---|||
    # Row->  0  1  2  3  4      0  1  2  3  4

    p = -1                                      # current position in text string
    for y in range(5):
        for x in range(3):
            p += 1                              # increment text position
            if scoretext[d][0][p] != " ":       # if there is a character in text position draw square
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, c, [dx + x * 15, dy + y * 15, 15, 15], 0)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Setup(): # creates the assets needed to play the game                                      Setup()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    global scoretext, font, players_text, spacebar_text, pscore, clock, screen  # need to modify these
    global player1_text

    os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1"              # tell pygame to center the surface on desktop
    pygame.init()                                       # start pygame engine
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SWIDTH, SHEIGHT)) # create the surface window
    pygame.display.set_caption("PyPong!")               # give window a caption
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()                         # start clock routines
    pscore.append([0])                                  # create player score list
    pscore[PLAYER1] = 0
    pscore[PLAYER2] = 0
    scoretext.append(["0000 00 00 0000"])               # create big number strings list
    scoretext.append(["  1  1  1  1  1"])
    scoretext.append(["222  22222  222"])
    scoretext.append(["333  3333  3333"])
    scoretext.append(["4 44 4444  4  4"])
    scoretext.append(["5555  555  5555"])
    scoretext.append(["6666  6666 6666"])
    scoretext.append(["777  7  7  7  7"])
    scoretext.append(["8888 88888 8888"])
    scoretext.append(["9999 9999  9999"])
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 16, False, False)
    players_text = font.render("SELECT (1) or (2) PLAYERS NOW : ESC TO EXIT", True, WHITE)
    spacebar_text = font.render("PRESS SPACEBAR TO PLAY", True, WHITE)
    player1_text = font.render("PLAYER 1: W = UP / S = DOWN", True, WHITE)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Trajectory(playery): # calculates angle of puck trajectory                            Trajectory()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # playery = player's y coordinate location

    return (((pucky - playery) + PSIZE - (PHEIGHT + PSIZE) // 2) / ((PHEIGHT + PSIZE) / 2)) / 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sgn(n): # returns the sign of a number (-1, 0, or 1                                          sgn()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # n = any numeric value
    if n > 0:
        return 1
    elif n < 0:
        return -1
        return 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Play_Round(): # plays a round of PyPong                                               Play_Round()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    global pxdir, pydir, puckx, pucky, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, pscore, missed, ai   # need to modify these

    for event in pygame.event.get():                        # cycle through events
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                       # leave game if window closed
    pygame.event.pump()                                     # clear keyboard buffer
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()                         # key all keys currently pressed
    if keys[K_ESCAPE]:                                      # ESC key
    if keys[K_w]:                                           # W key
        p1y -= PSPEED
    if keys[K_s]:                                           # S key
        p1y += PSPEED
    if ai:                                                  # computer controls player 2
        v_speed = ((1 + random.random()) / (PSPEED * 2)) * PSPEED
        if pxdir > 0:                                       # puck heading toward computer
            puck_location = pucky - p2y - PHEIGHT // 2 + PSIZE // 2
            if puck_location < 0:
                p2y -= v_speed
            elif puck_location > 0:
                p2y += v_speed
        else:                                               # puck heading toward player 1
            if int(p2y) > SHEIGHT // 2 - PHEIGHT //2:
                p2y -= v_speed
            elif int(p2y) < SHEIGHT //2 - PHEIGHT //2:
                p2y += v_speed
    else:                                                   # human controls player 2
        if keys[K_DOWN]:                                    # DOWN ARROW key
            p2y += PSPEED
        if keys[K_UP]:                                      # UP ARROW key
            p2y -= PSPEED
    if p1y <= 30:                                           # keep player 1 paddle within limits
        p1y = 30
    if p1y >= SHEIGHT - PHEIGHT - 30:
        p1y = SHEIGHT - PHEIGHT - 30
    if p2y <= 30:                                           # keep player 2 paddle within limits
        p2y = 30
    if p2y >= SHEIGHT - PHEIGHT - 30:
        p2y = SHEIGHT - PHEIGHT - 30
    if missed == GAMEINPROGRESS:                            # is there a game in progress?
        puckx += pxdir                                      # update puck position
        pucky += pydir
        if pucky <= 30:                                     # keep puck in vertical limits
            pucky = 30
            pydir = -pydir
            winsound.Beep(880, 55)
        elif pucky >= SHEIGHT - PSIZE - 30:
            pucky = SHEIGHT - PSIZE - 30
            pydir = -pydir
            winsound.Beep(880, 55)
        if puckx <= p1x:                                    # player 1 missed puck
            pscore[PLAYER2] += 1
            missed = PLAYER1
            winsound.Beep(220, 55)
        elif puckx >= p2x + PWIDTH:                         # player 2 missed puck
            pscore[PLAYER1] += 1
            missed = PLAYER2
            winsound.Beep(220, 55)
            if puckx <= p1x + PWIDTH:          
                if pucky - p1y >= -PSIZE:
                    if pucky - p1y <= PHEIGHT:              # player 1 hit puck
                        puckx = p1x + PWIDTH
                        pxdir = -pxdir + (.025 * PSPEED)
                        pydir += Trajectory(p1y)            # update puck trajectory
                        if abs(pydir) > PSPEED:
                            pydir = sgn(pydir) * PSPEED
                        winsound.Beep(440, 55)
            if puckx + PSIZE >= p2x:
                if pucky - p2y + PSIZE >= 0:
                    if pucky - p2y <= PHEIGHT:              # player 2 hit puck
                        puckx = p2x - PSIZE
                        pxdir = -pxdir - (.025 * PSPEED)
                        pydir += Trajectory(p2y)            # update puck trajectory
                        if abs(pydir) > PSPEED:
                            pydir = sgn(pydir) * PSPEED
                        winsound.Beep(440, 55)
    Draw_Frame()                                            # draw screen

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - MAIN PROGRAM LOOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Setup()                                                     # create game assets
while True:                                                 # loop forever
    New_Game()                                              # set up a new game
    Instructions()                                          # display instructions to player(s)
    while pscore[PLAYER1] != 9 and pscore[PLAYER2] != 9:    # loop until one player scores 9
        Reset_Round()                                       # set up a new round of play
        while missed == GAMEINPROGRESS:                     # loop while a round in progress
            Play_Round()                                    # play the round
great bro !! I'm really enjoying reading sorce code :)
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
Recommended Tutorials: BBCode, functions, classes, text adventures
(Apr-24-2017, 01:59 PM)prathack Wrote: great bro !! I'm really enjoying reading sorce code :)

Thank you! :)

If there is anything I should have done more the Python way please let me know.
Less global variables would be a good start :)
in addition to nilamo's suggestion for less globals. I would suggest no globals. But i would suggest to get rid of winsound to handle your sound. For example i am on linux, and the game crashed until i commented out every single Beep line. You should add a sound file with the program so every OS can use it. Or only use winsound when the OS is windows.

global pxdir, pydir, puckx, pucky, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, pscore, missed, ai   # need to modify these
You need to use classes. The ball should be a class. The paddle should be a class. It would stop all this global garbage. You can use inheritance to transfer between game states, so that you dont have to pass anything to and from like you are doing with globals. It would also make it a lot easier to find and edit specific code.

os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1" 
This is actually a pain if you have multi-displays like i do. It doesnt center it like it does if you have a single monitor, but places it to the far  left of my right monitor. Just a little info.
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