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HELP PLS i cannot figure out why this error is happerning
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HELP PLS i cannot figure out why this error is happerning
here is my code error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\harrison.DESKTOP-QMMSLCP\ai\", line 111, in <module>
words = pickle.load(open('data.pkl','rb'))
_pickle.UnpicklingError: could not find MARK
here is my code:

import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
import json
import pickle

import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import SGD
import random

classes = []
documents = []
ignore_words = ['?', '!']
data_file = open('intents.json').read()
intents = json.loads(data_file)

for intent in intents['intents']:
for pattern in intent['patterns']:

#tokenize each word
w = nltk.word_tokenize(pattern)
#add documents in the corpus
documents.append((w, intent['tag']))

# add to our classes list
if intent['tag'] not in classes:

# lemmaztize and lower each word and remove duplicates
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(w.lower()) for w in words if w not in ignore_words]
words = sorted(list(set(words)))

# sort classes
classes = sorted(list(set(classes)))

# documents = combination between patterns and intents
print (len(documents), "documents")

# classes = intents
print (len(classes), "classes", classes)

# words = all words, vocabulary
print (len(words), "unique lemmatized words", words)

# create our training data
training = []
output_empty = [0] * len(classes)
for doc in documents:
# initialize our bag of words
bag = []
# list of tokenized words for the pattern
pattern_words = doc[0]
# lemmatize each word - create base word, in attempt to represent related words
pattern_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower()) for word in pattern_words]
# create our bag of words array with 1, if word match found in current pattern
for w in words:
bag.append(1) if w in pattern_words else bag.append(0)

# output is a '0' for each tag and '1' for current tag (for each pattern)
output_row = list(output_empty)
output_row[classes.index(doc[1])] = 1

training.append([bag, output_row])

# shuffle our features and turn into np.array
training = np.array(training)
# create train and test lists. X - patterns, Y - intents
train_x = list(training[:,0])
train_y = list(training[:,1])
print("Training data created")

# Create model - 3 layers. First layer 128 neurons, second layer 64 neurons and 3rd output layer contains number of neurons
# equal to number of intents to predict output intent with softmax
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1280, input_shape=(len(train_x[0]),), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(640, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(len(train_y[0]), activation='softmax'))

# Compile model. Stochastic gradient descent with Nesterov accelerated gradient gives good results for this model
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'])

#fitting and saving the model
hist =, np.array(train_y), epochs=200, batch_size=5, verbose=1)'chatbot_model.h5', hist)

print("model created")

# loading the model
def load_model(chatbot_model):
return model
model = load_model('chatbot_model.h5')

# compiling model
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'])
intents = json.loads(open('intents.json').read())
words = pickle.load(open('data.pkl','rb'))
classes = pickle.load(open('classes.pkl','rb'))

# function to clean up the user input
def clean_up_sentence(sentence):
# tokenize the pattern - split words into array
sentence_words = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
# stem each word - create short form for word
sentence_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower()) for word in sentence_words]
return sentence_words

# return bag of words array: 0 or 1 for each word in the bag that exists in the sentence
def bow(sentence, words, show_details=True):
# tokenize the pattern
sentence_words = clean_up_sentence(sentence)
# bag of words - matrix of N words, vocabulary matrix
bag = [0]*len(words)
for s in sentence_words:
for i,w in enumerate(words):
if w == s:
# assign 1 if current word is in the vocabulary position
bag[i] = 1
if show_details:
print ("found in bag: %s" % w)

p = bow("is your shop open today?", words)
print (p)
print (classes)

def classify(sentence):
# generate probabilities from the model
results = model.predict([bow(sentence, words)])[0]
# filter out predictions below a threshold
results = [[i,r] for i,r in enumerate(results) if r>ERROR_THRESHOLD]
# sort by strength of probability
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return_list = []
for r in results:
return_list.append((classes[r[0]], r[1]))
# return tuple of intent and probability
return return_list

def response(sentence, userID='123', show_details=True):
results = classify(sentence)
# if we have a classification then find the matching intent tag
if results:
# loop as long as there are matches to process
while results:
for i in intents['intents']:
# find a tag matching the first result
if i['tag'] == results[0][0]:
# set context for this intent if necessary
if 'context_set' in i:
if show_details: print ('context:', i['context_set'])
context[userID] = i['context_set']

# check if this intent is contextual and applies to this user's conversation
if not 'context_filter' in i or \
(userID in context and 'context_filter' in i and i['context_filter'] == context[userID]):
if show_details: print ('tag:', i['tag'])
# a random response from the intent
return print(random.choice(i['responses']))

def chatbot_response(msg):
ints = classify(msg)
res = ints[0][0]
return res

#Creating GUI with tkinter
import tkinter
from tkinter import *

def send():
msg = EntryBox.get("1.0",'end-1c').strip()

if msg != '':
ChatLog.insert(END, "You: " + msg + '\n\n')
ChatLog.config(foreground="#442265", font=("Verdana", 12 ))

res = chatbot_response(msg)
ChatLog.insert(END, "Bot: " + res + '\n\n')


base = Tk()
base.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)

#Create Chat window
ChatLog = Text(base, bd=0, bg="white", height="8", width="50", font="Arial",)


#Bind scrollbar to Chat window
scrollbar = Scrollbar(base, command=ChatLog.yview, cursor="heart")
ChatLog['yscrollcommand'] = scrollbar.set

#Create Button to send message
SendButton = Button(base, font=("Verdana",12,'bold'), text="Send", width="12", height=5,
bd=0, bg="#32de97", activebackground="#3c9d9b",fg='#ffffff',
command= send )

#Create the box to enter message
EntryBox = Text(base, bd=0, bg="white",width="29", height="5", font="Arial")
#EntryBox.bind("<Return>", send)

#Place all components on the screen,y=6, height=386),y=6, height=386, width=370), y=401, height=90, width=265), y=401, height=90)

Larz60+ write May-26-2022, 02:15 AM:
Please post all code, output and errors (it it's entirety) between their respective tags. Refer to BBCode help topic on how to post. Use the "Preview Post" button to make sure the code is presented as you expect before hitting the "Post Reply/Thread" button.

Also do not make more that one thread on the same subject,
please read Posts to NOT make at all. This will get you a warning.

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