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spliting similar but multiple lines
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spliting similar but multiple lines
Hi All

I have similar data, 147 columns, need to split each with = and take require data. Instead of spiting line by line.

is there alternative for minimum code ?
sample code
for line in data.split('\n'):
    if "FirstOccurrence" in line:
        Status_NodeAlias = line.split('=')[1].strip()
Quote:Status_NodeAlias = ""
Status_c_FMSONTime_Text = ""
Status_c_GIS = 0
Status_ProcessReq = 0
Status_NmosEntityId = 0
Status_c_CNMSName = ""
Status_FirstOccurrence = 1527503101
Status_c_NEOnTime_Text = ""
Status_c_EnrichmentFlag = 0
Status_RemoteSecObj = ""
Status_ProbeSubSecondId = 24
Status_PhysicalPort = 0
Status_c_SMSNotify = ""
Status_c_HighestRecordedSeverity = 0
Status_c_State = ""
Status_c_AutoCreateTT = ""
Status_SentToAgg = 0
Status_c_Technology = ""
Status_SuppressEscl = 0
Status_c_IPAddress = ""
Status_RemoteRootObj = ""
Status_c_Summary1 = ""
Status_ExtendedAttr = ""
Status_c_CorelationFlag = 0
Status_c_Reporting = 0
Status_c_LowestRecordedSeverity = 0
Status_PhysicalSlot = 0
Status_c_TT_Delay_Time = 0
Status_LocalNodeAlias = ""
Status_NmosManagedStatus = 0
Status_c_AlarmId = 0
Status_c_DelayTimer = 0
Status_AlertGroup = ""
Status_c_Threshold = 0
Status_Class = 0
Status_Flash = 0
Status_URL = ""
Status_Summary = ""
Status_c_NEOffTime_Text = ""
Status_c_EquipmentType = ""
Status_c_PENumber = 0
Status_c_EmailNotify = ""
Status_c_AssignedPortLabel = ""
Status_c_NEOffTime = 0
Status_NmosCauseType = 0
Status_c_AlarmType = ""
Status_Tally = 0
Status_c_FMSONTime = 0
Status_Poll = 0
Status_Agent = ""
Status_c_Operator = ""
Status_c_Interface = ""
Status_c_LowestRecordedSeverityTimestamp = 0
Status_c_HighestRecordedSeverityTimestamp = 0
Status_c_ServiceImpact = ""
Status_StateChange = 0
Status_AlertKey = ""
Status_LocalSecObj = ""
Status_CollectionFirst = 0
Status_c_AMO = ""
Status_c_MEName = ""
Status_TaskList = 0
Status_SourceStateChange = 0
Status_LocalRootObj = ""
Status_OwnerGID = 0
Status_PhysicalCard = ""
Status_Serial = 0
Status_Manager = "eci_lightsoft_tmf814"
Status_X733EventType = 0
Status_c_UnknownFlag = 0
Status_NmosEventMap = ""
Status_SourceServerSerial = 0
Status_RemotePriObj = ""
Status_Customer = ""
Status_ExpireTime = 0
Status_Identifier = ""
Status_CollectionExpireTime = 0
Status_c_EscalateStartTime = 0
Status_NmosObjInst = 0
Status_X733CorrNotif = ""
Status_X733SpecificProb = ""
Status_c_FriendlyName = ""
Status_OldRow = 0
Status_c_DelayClear = 0
Status_AggregationFirst = 0
Status_OwnerUID = 65534
Status_Location = ""
Status_c_Region = ""
Status_c_PE_Id = 0
Status_c_LogDetailFlag = 0
Status_ServerName = "DEL_OBC"
Status_c_PEFlag = 0
Status_Service = ""
Status_c_SuppressFlag = 0
Status_InternalLast = 0
Status_c_HostName = ""
Status_Node = ""
Status_c_PEONFlag = 0
Status_X733ProbableCause = 0
Status_c_FMSOFFTime_Text = ""
Status_RemoteNodeAlias = ""
Status_Severity = 1
Status_SourceServerName = ""
Status_LastOccurrence = 1527503101
Status_Grade = 0
Status_c_Escalate = 0
Status_ServerSerial = 0
Status_c_ProblemType = ""
Status_c_Circle = ""
Status_c_NEOnTime = 0
Status_LocalPriObj = ""
Status_DisplayFirst = 0
Status_c_FMSOFFTime = 0
Status_NmosDomainName = ""
Status_Type = 0
Status_c_City = ""
Status_BSM_Identity = ""
Status_EventId = ""
Status_c_FirstRecordedSeverity = 0
Status_NmosSerial = ""
Status_Acknowledged = 0
notificationId = "53950165"
LSNExt_GroupName = "GZB NEs"
LSNExt_MEName = "408"
additionalText = "No Info"
ManagedElement = "LSN/EMS_BG-40_80/408"
nativeEMSName = "L12:MPS_6F EoS Port 2-EoS"
perceivedSeverity = "5"
nativeProbableCause = "LOFD"
layerRate = "98"
EMS = "ECI/LightSoft_1"
emsTime = "20180528154750.6"
PTP = "/shelf=1/slot=9/ebtype=MPS_6F/port=2"
domain_name = "tmf_mtnm"
isClearable = "true"
event_name = ""
LSNExt_ALCV = "Unknown"
LSNExt_AssignedPortLabel = "L12:MPS_6F EoS Port 2"
event_type = "NT_ALARM"
objectType = "5"
rcaiIndicator = "false"
serviceAffecting = "1"
probableCause = "LOF"
neTime = "20180528154933.0"
probableCauseQualifier = "408@@8@@-1@@-1@@-1@@-1@@-1@@-1@@-1@@16@@1@@6@@1@@335"
RawCaptureTimeStamp = 1527503101
You could make a dictionary, for each line, split on the '=' use the first split as the key, the second as the value.
Something like below (not tested)
my_dict = {}
for line in data.split('\n'):
    key, value = line.split('=')
    my_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip()
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-297-371c51b2fefa> in <module> 1 my_dict = {} 2 for line in data.split('\n'): ----> 3 key, value = line.split('=') 4 #my_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip() 5 print(key,value) ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
thanks, but its creating problem on below line

Quote:PTP = "/shelf=1/slot=9/ebtype=MPS_6F/port=2"

having multiple =
Try this:

key, value = line.split('=', maxsplit = 1)
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
Recommended Tutorials: BBCode, functions, classes, text adventures
Thanks, its working for me.

something going wrong, not able to figure out. I am appending dict into list and printing. However its repeating same value again and again.

import codecs
import re
import datetime as ne_dt
import time
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
#from datetime import datetime
from datetime import datetime as dt

def string2date(date):
    readable_date = dt.fromtimestamp(int(date)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    return readable_date

def string2neTime(neTime):
    dt_object = datetime.strptime(neTime,'%Y%m%d%H%M%S').strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    return dt_object

netcool_data = {}
netcool_data_list = []
netcool_csv = open('netcool.csv','w')

with open('ECI_LightSoft_DL_DLHI_ECIEMS_FM_DEL.cap.DEL_OBC_1527508037','r',encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as logfile:
    #lines = [line for line in logfile.readlines() if line.strip()]
    lines =
    #lines = [line for line in logfile.readlines() if line.strip()]
    i = 0
    for line in lines:
        #skipping blank line
        if len(line.strip())== 0:
            key, value = line.split('=', maxsplit = 1)
            netcool_data[key.strip()] = value.strip().strip('"')
            #storing dict in list
    for alarm in netcool_data_list:
            #converting date format
            FirstOccurrence = string2date(alarm['Status_FirstOccurrence'])
            LastOccurrence = string2date(alarm['Status_LastOccurrence'])
28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06 28/05/2018 15:55:06 53950171 GGN NEs AM_MARKETPLACES_GGN ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED LSN/EMS_BG-40_81/7708 A1:SAM_4 oPort 1-VC4#3 28/05/2018 15:55:06
The dict netcool_data is being created outside of the loop.
Inside of the loop the same dict is being overwritten.
The list netcool_data_list has pointers to the same dict object that will all be the last values it was set to.
See following example
netcool_data = {}
netcool_data_list = []

for number in range(10):
    netcool_data['one'] = f'one: {number}'
    netcool_data['two'] = f'two: {number}'

for item in netcool_data_list:
{'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'}
If you move the creation of dict netcool_data to inside the loop you will get independent dict objects
see next example
netcool_data_list = []

for number in range(10):
    netcool_data = {}
    netcool_data['one'] = f'one: {number}'
    netcool_data['two'] = f'two: {number}'

for item in netcool_data_list:
{'one': 'one: 0', 'two': 'two: 0'} {'one': 'one: 1', 'two': 'two: 1'} {'one': 'one: 2', 'two': 'two: 2'} {'one': 'one: 3', 'two': 'two: 3'} {'one': 'one: 4', 'two': 'two: 4'} {'one': 'one: 5', 'two': 'two: 5'} {'one': 'one: 6', 'two': 'two: 6'} {'one': 'one: 7', 'two': 'two: 7'} {'one': 'one: 8', 'two': 'two: 8'} {'one': 'one: 9', 'two': 'two: 9'}
there are 147 dict items, and i required on few, required alarm names are taken in list and checking against dict items and printing. however its now working, is this correct way?

import codecs
import re
import datetime as ne_dt
import time
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
#from datetime import datetime
from datetime import datetime as dt

def string2date(date):
    readable_date = dt.fromtimestamp(int(date)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    return readable_date

def string2neTime(neTime):
    dt_object = datetime.strptime(neTime,'%Y%m%d%H%M%S').strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    return dt_object
def alarmName(alarm_Name,alarmvalue):
    alarmNameList = ['Status_FirstOccurrence','Status_Manager','Status_ServerName','Status_LastOccurrence',\
    for alarm_Name in alarmNameList:
        if alarmvalue == '':
        if alarm_Name == 'Status_FirstOccurrence':
            FirstOccurrence = string2date(alarmvalue)
            return FirstOccurrence
        if alarm_Name == 'Status_Manager':
            Status_Manager = alarmvalue
            return Status_Manager
        if alarm_Name == 'Status_ServerName':
            ServerName = alarmvalue
            return ServerName
        if alarm_Name == 'Status_LastOccurrence':
            LastOccurrence = string2date(alarmvalue)
            return LastOccurrence
        if alarm_Name == 'notificationId' :
            notificationId = alarmvalue
            return notificationId
        if alarm_Name == 'neTime':
            neTime = string2neTime(alarmvalue.strip('.')[0])
            return neTime
        if alarm_Name == 'RawCaptureTimeStamp':
            CaptureTimeStamp = string2date(alarmvalue)
	    return CaptureTimeStamp
netcool_data_list = []

with open('ECI_LightSoft_DL_DLHI_ECIEMS_FM_DEL.cap.DEL_OBC_1527508037','r',encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as logfile:
    lines =
    i = 0
    for line in lines:
        netcool_data = {}
        if len(line.strip())== 0:
            key, value = line.split('=', maxsplit = 1)
            netcool_data[key.strip()] = value.strip().strip('"')
    new_dict = {}
    for alarm in netcool_data_list:
    for key,value in new_dict.items():
            FirstOccurrence = alarmName(key,value)
            LastOccurrence =  alarmName(key,value)
            notificationId = alarmName(key,value)
            CaptureTimeStamp = alarmName(key,value)
below output is not correct

01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 0 0 0 0 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 0 0 0 0 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 None None None None None None None None 0 0 0 0 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00 01/01/1970 05:30:00

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