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what is this
I am trying to edit the text inside a dialogue window and when I open the .py in notepad this is what I see ... Is there another program I can use to read this??

window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠩ࡞ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓࠢࡵࡩࡩࡣࡌࡰࡩ࡬ࡲࠥ࡫ࡲࡳࡱࡵࠥࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡒ"))
window.setGeometry(800, 400, 3, 1)
window.placeControl(background, 0, 0, 3, 1)
l11ll1l_opy_ = pyxbmct.Label(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠪ࡟ࡈࡕࡌࡐࡔࠣࡶࡪࡪ࡝࡜ࡄࡠࡉࡷࡸ࡯ࡳࠣࠣࡊࡦ࡯࡬ࡦࡦࠣࡸࡴࠦ࡬ࡰࡩ࡬ࡲࠥࡺ࡯ࠡࡉࡨࡥࡷࡹࠠࡕࡘࠤ࡟࠴ࡈ࡝࡜࠱ࡆࡓࡑࡕࡒ࡞ࠩࡓ"), alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER)
l1ll1_opy_ = pyxbmct.TextBox()
window.placeControl(l11ll1l_opy_, 0, 0)
window.placeControl(l1ll1_opy_ , 1, 0)
l1ll1_opy_.setText(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠫࡌ࡫ࡡࡳࡵࠣࡘ࡛ࠦࡲࡦࡳࡸ࡭ࡷ࡫ࡳࠡࡣࡱࠤࡦࡩࡴࡪࡸࡨࠤࡦࡩࡣࡰࡷࡱࡸ࠱ࠦࡰ࡭ࡧࡤࡷࡪࠦࡥ࡯ࡶࡨࡶࠥࡿ࡯ࡶࡴࠣࡋࡪࡧࡲࡴࠢࡗ࡚ࠥࡇࡣࡤࡱࡸࡲࡹࠦࡤࡦࡶࡤ࡭ࡱࡹ࠮ࠡ࡞ࡱࡠࡳࡏࡦࠡࡻࡲࡹࠥࡪ࡯ࠡࡰࡲࡸࠥ࡮ࡡࡷࡧࠣࡥࠥࡍࡥࡢࡴࡶࠤ࡙࡜ࠠࡢࡥࡦࡳࡺࡴࡴ࠭ࠢࡳࡰࡪࡧࡳࡦࠢࡵࡩࡦࡪࠠࡵࡪࡨࠤࡵ࡯࡮࡯ࡧࡧࠤࡵࡵࡳࡵࠢࡲࡲࠥࡵࡵࡳࠢࡩࡥࡨ࡫ࡢࡰࡱ࡮ࠤࡵࡧࡧࡦ࠼ࠣ࡬ࡹࡺࡰ࠻࠱࠲ࡪࡦࡩࡥࡣࡱࡲ࡯࠳ࡩ࡯࡮࠱ࡪࡶࡴࡻࡰࡴ࠱ࡕࡩࡧࡵ࡯ࡵ࠴࠷࠻ࠥࡺ࡯ࠡࡲࡸࡶࡨ࡮ࡡࡴࡧࠣࡥࡳࠦࡡࡤࡥࡲࡹࡳࡺ࠮ࠨࡔ"))
l1lllll_opy_ = pyxbmct.Button(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠬࡡࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࠥࡸࡥࡥ࡟࡞ࡆࡢࡕࡋ࡜࠱ࡅࡡࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡕ"))
window.placeControl(l1lllll_opy_, 2, 0)
window.connect(l1lllll_opy_, window.close)
window.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, window.close)
del window
l11111l_opy_ = xbmcgui.Dialog()
l1l1_opy_ = l11111l_opy_.yesno(l1lll1_opy_ (u"࡛࠭ࡄࡑࡏࡓࡗࠦࡲࡦࡦࡠࡋࡊࡇࡒࡔ࡝࠲ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓ࡟࡞ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓࠢࡺ࡬࡮ࡺࡥ࡞ࠢࡗ࡚ࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡖ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠧࡘࡱࡸࡰࡩࠦࡹࡰࡷࠣࡰ࡮ࡱࡥࠡࡶࡲࠤࡪࡴࡴࡦࡴࠣࡽࡴࡻࡲࠡ࡝ࡆࡓࡑࡕࡒࠡࡴࡨࡨࡢࡍࡅࡂࡔࡖ࡟࠴ࡉࡏࡍࡑࡕࡡࡠࡉࡏࡍࡑࡕࠤࡼ࡮ࡩࡵࡧࡠࠤ࡙࡜࡛࠰ࡅࡒࡐࡔࡘ࡝ࠡࡣࡦࡧࡴࡻ࡮ࡵࠢࡧࡩࡹࡧࡩ࡭ࡵࠣࡲࡴࡽ࠿ࠨࡗ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠨࠩࡘ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"࡙ࠩࠪ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠪࡒࡴ࡚࠭"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠫ࡞࡫ࡳࠨ࡛"))
if l1l1_opy_:
if not l1l1_opy_:
what type of dialogue window? Please be more specific.
what vrsion of python?
At any rate, it looks like you are trying to type unicode data.
Not sure what version I cant see it. I am trying to do some basic editing of the window it shows the same unicode. Anything I can do to decypher it?
You should be able to use pretty much any editor but notepad to see it properly.
I mostly use sublime text when I want something with a GUI, or vim when I want to pretend I'm one of the cool kids, but that's just a personal preference...
Yeah I have copied that from Notepadd ++ ... I can change the window size without error.. Where the 1 and o are is the text that needs to be edited. When I delete and type txt it throws an error log.

That doesn't look like python.  It also doesn't look like bytecode.  Can you upload the file as an attachment, so we can see it unaltered?
the file is here
Sweet baby jesus.  It looks like it's been run through an obfuscator or something.  It's obviously some sort of extension to kodi, but I can't dig any further into it right now.  Have you tried asking whoever wrote it if they can make the change for you?

Attached Files

.py (Size: 56.06 KB / Downloads: 419)
lol... exactly! I have but the support there is terrible. Not sure if the encoded it with something or what. I am very very limited on my knowledge of coding. I purchased rebranding credits from them and was supposed to be able to put my name on everything but there addon still contains all there group information and I need to change that because it makes no since to sell my rebranded credits at a higher price if they can go into the addon and see where they can buy it cheaper. So it has me at a stand still with releasing my addons/builds for kodi.
Oh, that looks like a fun file.
I'll probably get around to reversing it when I have the free time :)

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