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Full Version: Fit multiple datasets with one function and one parameterset
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I would like to fit multiple datasets (they can variate between 3 or 4 sets), with one function and one set of variable parameters.
Can you help me, how to realize that? Should I put all data sets into one array and fit them or is there some better way?

Thanks :)
What is a dataset and what does it mean to fit a dataset?.
What do you want the function to do and what is the one set of variable parameters?.
How does the data look before and what do you want it to look like afterwards?.
What have you tried so far and what problems have you come across?.
I have some X-Y data rows. And I want to fit a function to those X-Y-rows.
I want to make to fit the parameters (variables), that the function lays on the rows.
I don't want to manipulate the data, the doesn't change.
After the fit i want to have an output of the best-fit parameters for my datasets.

Thank you
Still none the wiser Confused
What is the scale of your data, is it linear or logarithmic?
There are many methods available
Would a least-squares fit do?
How much error corrections do you want? (degree of fit)