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Hi everyone,

I cannot seem to import data (I'm using spyder). I do the following code:

data = pd.read_csv('Python for Data Analysis/chap 6.csv'

for that code I get the error:
FileNotFoundError: File b'Python for Data Analysis/chap 6.csv' does not exist

I also try the full path:
data = pd.read_csv('C:\Users\SGrah\OneDrive\Documents\Python Scripts\Python for Data Analysis/chap 6.csv'

I get the error:
data = pd.read_csv('C:\Users\SGrah\OneDrive\Documents\Python Scripts\Python for Data Analysis\chap 6.csv')
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

Any help is appreciated.
You could try this
from pathlib import Path

filename = Path("source_data/csv/raw_data.csv")

data = pd.read_csv('filename', encoding='utf-8')

The original csv file might also be contributing to the issues as well - download Notepad++
Create a new file in Notepad++ -> Go to Encoding -> Encode in UTF-8 -> Copy-paste the contents -> save the file as .csv
I get same issue when I substitute this link in
filename = Path("C:\Users\SGrah\OneDrive\Documents\Python Scripts\Python for Data Analysis/csv/chap 6.csv")
It may have to do with One Drive - take the file off one drive and store it locally - avoid spaces in your directory naming - If you need a space use - or _ . Or you can try this - let say your directory path is c:\new dir - you could try cd new\dir or cd " new dir ".

I found this code - by googling - copy the code your to editor then save it as - the rest is explained in the code itself.
This is not my code all credit goes to Joe Dorocak aka Joe Codeswell ( It may help you to convert your windows directory paths to linux paths.
#! python3
#! python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: Joe Dorocak aka Joe Codeswell (
Example: "C:\\1d\ProgressiveWebAppPjs\\Polymer2.0Pjs\\PolymerRedux\\zetc\\polymer-redux-polymer-2"
    prints /mnt/c/1d/ProgressiveWebAppPjs/Polymer2.0Pjs/PolymerRedux/zetc/polymer-redux-polymer-2
        N.B. spaceless path needs quotes in BASH on Windows   but NOT in Windows DOS prompt!
import sys,os

def winPath2ubuPath(winpath):
    # d,p = os.path.splitdrive(winpath) # NG only works on windows!
    d,p = winpath.split(':')
    ubupath = '/mnt/'+d.lower()+p.replace('\\','/')   
    print (ubupath)
    return ubupath

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args) != NUM_ARGS or "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
        print (__doc__)

if __name__ == '__main__':
(May-11-2018, 03:37 AM)Scott Wrote: [ -> ]I get same issue when I substitute this link in
filename = Path("C:\Users\SGrah\OneDrive\Documents\Python Scripts\Python for Data Analysis/csv/chap 6.csv")
Your path will not work because of escape character \U.
Never use use single backslash (\) that way in path,because of escape character.
Look at this post.