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I would like to learn Python - however i have a dilemma; i have been reading "Learn Python the Hard Way" and it suggests that i use Python 2 instead of Python 3 and suggests that i do not use an IDE or Python IDLE.
My question is; what should i use to learn/use Python and would it make a difference in the future.


I would suggest learning Python 3.x. It's the future, Python 2.x is the past. There's also not a huge difference between the two. I would also suggest getting and IDE or at least a programming text editor. It just makes it easier to program.

There are lots of resources for new programmers in this thread.
Hey Everyone-
I am taking an online Python course offered by 1337, I purchased through Groupon for $9. I am about halfway through the course and I am really enjoying this. Where should I go to continue to build upon my skills? My apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place.
Not reviving two year old threads would be a good start. That's a no-no around here.

Go to the tutorials section of this site. There is a stickied post about free python resources. That is our collective wisdom about where to go.
(Nov-27-2016, 10:25 PM)alpbetaC0der Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I would like to learn Python - however i have a dilemma; i have been reading "Learn Python the Hard Way" and it suggests that i use Python 2 instead of Python 3 and suggests that i do not use an IDE or Python IDLE. My question is; what should i use to learn/use Python and would it make a difference in the future. Thanks, A.B
you should read python crash courses book and learning pandas