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I am a python beginner, covered all the basics. To really learn pythoon i though that it will be a good idea to just dive in and start working on some projects of my own. The first one is suppose to be simple...although i didnt find and tutorial:

I want to build a program for my company that organize all the orders we get from our clients: Model name, Quantity, Client, Date of order, Date of our Derlivery obloighation

All of the above should be entered by our workers. Then i will output a table with all orders.

I tried to do it with mysql, but i didnt fins any tutorial explaining how a user of the program will enter thr pramaters. Im quite sure that it is related to “input” function, but i didnt had any luck with it...If there is a tutorial that explains that i will be more than happy to read it, because im also a fan of RTFM approch.

@larz60 thanks for your prompt answer, but i still stuck in the same problem - how a user can enter the data in the table, and not the programmer
I don't use MySQL, but all databases have an interactive query program.
In MySQL, it's simply called mysql
from a command line, type mysql
then you can enter SQL queries for creating tables, inserting data and whatever else you need, See:
If you don't know SQL, you need to take an SQL tutorial.
@Larz60+, I'm pretty sure OP wants to interact with MySQL using python :-)
@D_frucht: So basically you need a package to work with MySQL from python.
some resources:

or using SQLalchemy
Dear friends !

I see now a mistake in my question - iment sqlite not mysql
Well, more or less same advice:
It's part of the standard library, so no need to install anything. Yet you still msy use SQLalchemy if you decide so
import sqlite3
Then the remainder depends on exactly what you want to do.
Follow examples here:
this is my code, can someone explain what im doing wrong?

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('dfsl.db')
c = conn.cursor()

def create_table():
    c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders(client TEXT, model TEXT, quantity INTEGER, order_date TEXT, delivery_date TEXT )')

def data_entry():
    c.execute("INSERT INTO orders VALUES('client', 'model', 'quantity', 'order_date', 'delivery_date')")


def dynamic_data_entry():
    client = input("client: ")
    model = input("model: ")
    quantity = input("quantity: ")
    order_date = input("order date: ")
    delivery_date = input("Delivery date: ")
    c.execute("INSERT INTO orders (client, model, quantity, order_date, delivery_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              (client, model, quantity, order_date, delivery_date))


for i in range(10):

i have 2 problems with the code below:

although Client, Models, etc., defined as TEXT, while entering values in text, the program crash. but if i enter numbers, it continue.

the other problem is, after entering the data (using the input), i get this error message:

client: 56 model: 45 quantity: 345 order date: 345 Delivery date: 45 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/davidfrucht/PycharmProjects/untitled1/", line 22, in <module> dynamic_data_entry() File "/Users/davidfrucht/PycharmProjects/untitled1/", line 18, in dynamic_data_entry (client, model, quantity, order_date, delivery_date)) sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: orders Process finished with exit code 1
here is the code

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('dfsl.db')
c = conn.cursor()

def create_table():
    c.execute("CREATE TABLE orders (Client TEXT, Model TEXT, Quantity INTEGER, Order_date TEXT, Delivery_date TEXT)")

def dynamic_data_entry():
    client = input("client: ")
    model = input("model: ")
    quantity = input("quantity: ")
    order_date = input("order date: ")
    delivery_date = input("Delivery date: ")

    c.execute("INSERT INTO orders (Client, Model, Quantity, Order_date, Delivery_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              (client, model, quantity, order_date, delivery_date))



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