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Full Version: Script for media content and redirect in to a file
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I have multiple tape and want to fetch data from the tape. I have command to fetch data but as there are long list of media ids (More than 300 medias). So I want an script by which i can automate the process. Scene is as below:

I have create a text file "Media.txt" and copy list of media as :


I have command which can give me output of data which is available on media:

<Install Path>\mediacontent.exe -mediaid media_id -U

Where install path is c:\Program Files\Software\

Where media_id is taken from the text file one by one.

I wants an single script which perform below task:
  • Read media id from the file
  • Run command for each media and redirect the output into a file in same location with name media_id.out
  • Combine the content of all file in single file.