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Full Version: trouble while appending list in for loop
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Hi folks, I am new to python and having trouble to append list in for loop.. any help will be appreciated!

a = [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89]

def less_than_ten(num):
    for n in a:
        if n < 10:

def less_than_five(num):
    b = []
    for n in a:
        if n < 5:
           # print(n)
          global b.append(n) # is giving error at (.) in this line


Its working now but still the print command works at position 1 which print after each iteration but is not printing on Position 2..(can anyone please explain why is that?)
a = [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89]
pick_number = int(input("enter the number:"))

b = []
def less_than(num):
    for n in a:
        if n < pick_number:
             print (b) #position 1 
print(b) # position 2            
This question exists due to some lacks in understanding of code execution model in Python.

When you execute your piece of code, Python do the following:
1) creates list <a>
2) asks to enter the number <pick_number>
3) defines a function (lines 6 to 11); Note: Python don't execute this function
4) print current value of b (it is an empty list) (line 12)
5) executes function <less_than> (line 15)

So, to print filled array <b>, just swap line 12 and line 15.