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i have a project that includes pelco d ptz camera tracking.

i have the pelco d protocol, for example:

FF 01 00 04 3F 00 44 - will pan left at ghigh speed.

how do i "transfer" this commandto the camera in python ?

in linux, it is done by "echo"...

If you can echo it to the camera, then you can probably just use print(), right?
im tring to send an hex command to a ptz camera that uses the Pelco D protocol, and connected via rs485 to usb convertor.

this is my code, i don't get any error messages - but it just doesn't pan/tilt the camera. i checked to see if the ptz is working with other software, and it does.

import serial
import serial.rs485
#import struct
#import us

ser = serial.Serial('com4', 9600)
ser.rs485_mode = serial.rs485.RS485Settings(rts_level_for_tx=True, rts_level_for_rx=False, loopback=False, delay_before_tx=None, delay_before_rx=None)
thestring = bytearray.fromhex('FF 01 00 04 3F 00 44')


#s =
You mentioned it works with echo. Please show exactly what's working, as you shouldn't need to use a serial connection at all if you're just echoing text to stdout.
dear nilamo,

i read online that this is how it suppose to eork (regeading echo), i don't have a linux machine.

after doing alot of rading in the internet, i still don't understand what is wrong with the code...