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Is there any way to speed up a web-scraper by having multiple computers contribute to processing a list of urls? Like computer A takes urls 1 - 500 and computer B takes urls 501 - 1000, etc. I am looking for a way to build the fastest possible web scraper with resources available to everyday people.

I am already using multiprocessing from the grequests module. Which is gevent + requets combined. If anyone knows any way to help at all I will greatly appreciate it.

This scraping does not need to be run constantly, but at a specific time each day in the morning (6 A.M.), and be done near as soon as it starts. (if that info helps). I am looking for something quick and punctual.

Also I am looking through urls for retail stores (i.e.: target, bestbuy, newegg, etc), and using it to check what items are in stock for the day.

this is a code segment for grabbing those urls in the script I'm trying to put together:

import datetime
import grequests
thread_number = 20
nnn = int(len(product_number_list)/100)
float_nnn = (len(product_number_list)/100)
# Product number list is a list of product numbers, too big for me to include the full list. Here are like three:
product_number_list = ['N82E16820232476', 'N82E16820233852', 'N82E16820313777']
base_url = '{}'
url_list = []
for number in product_number_list:
# The above three lines create a list of urls.
results = []
appended_number = 0
for x in range(0, len(product_number_list), thread_number):
	attempts = 0
	while attempts < 10:
			rs = (grequests.get(url, stream=False) for url in url_list[x:x+thread_number])
			reqs =, stream=False, size=20)
			append = 'yes'
			for i in reqs:
				if i.status_code != 200:
					append = 'no'
					print('Bad Status Code. Nothing Appended.')
                    attempts += 1
			if append == 'yes':
				appended_number += 1
			print('Something went Wrong. Try Section Failed.')
			attempts += 1
	if appended_number % nnn == 0:
		now =
		print(str(int(20*appended_number/float_nnn)) + '% of the way there at: ' + str(now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")))
    if attempts == 10:
		print('Failed ten times to get urls.')
if len(results) != len(url_list):
    print('Results count is off. len(results) == "' + str(len(results)) + '". len(url_list) == "' + str(len(url_list)) + '".')
Any way to speed this up (and yes, I am removing the print statements later) is appreciated.

P.S. This is not my code, I grabbed part of it from here:
and here: