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Full Version: Youtube page scraping
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Hello all,

The page I would like to scrape is a user videos page on youtube. All of the video titles in the page are nested under the same xpath which is: //*[@id='video-title'] What I would like my script to do is to create a list of titles on a loaded page and then print it, however it does not seem to work. Any advice?

from lxml import html
import requests

page = requests.get('')

tree = html.fromstring(page.content)

title = tree.xpath("//*[@id='video-title']/text()")

titles = []

for f in title:

Turn of JavaScript in browser and see how many videos you see Think
If you had looked at what page.content return,
you would have seen that's there no id='video-title' at all.

Selenium have more about it here.
Look at YouTube Data API v3,if can get data that way.
A post about usage.