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Hello I have tried to finish this python skeleton my professor gave and am having trouble doing so here is what I have so far
from random import randint
import string

#The a variable stores the string representations for printing the dice
#You do not need to change any of this unless you want to make better looking
#ASCII art dice.


a[0] =' _____ \n'
a[0]+='|     |\n'
a[0]+='|  *  |\n'

a[1] =' _____ \n'
a[1]+='|     |\n'
a[1]+='| * * |\n'

a[2] =' _____ \n'
a[2]+='|    *|\n'
a[2]+='|  *  |\n'

a[3] =' _____ \n'
a[3]+='| * * |\n'
a[3]+='|     |\n'

a[4] =' _____ \n'
a[4]+='| * * |\n'
a[4]+='|  *  |\n'

a[5] =' _____ \n'
a[5]+='| * * |\n'
a[5]+='| * * |\n'

# The following 3 print methods also do not need to change unless you want 
# to have different messages or graphics.

def printIntro():
        print '\n'
        print '***********************************************'
        print '***********************************************'
        print '**             _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _       **'
        print '** C          |          |  |          |     **'
        print '**   R        |   *  *   |  |       *  |     **'
        print '**     A      |          |  |     *    |     **'
        print '**       P    |   *  *   |  |   *      |     **'
        print '**         S  |_ _ _ _ _ |  |_ _ _ _ _ |     **'
        print '**                                           **'
        print '***********************************************'
        print '***********************************************'
        print '\n'

def printRules():
        print ''
        print 'Here are the rules for this version of Craps.'
        print '  (1) You start with $100, and you make your first bet.'
        print '  (2) On your first roll, you win if you roll 7 or 11.'
        print '      You lose if you roll 2,3, or 12.  If you roll anything else,'
        print '      that becomes the \'point\''
        print '  (3) You continue to roll until 1 of two things happens:    '
        print '      (A) You roll the point again.  In this case, you win.'
        print '      (B) You roll a 7. In this case, you lose.'
        print '  (4) You may continue to play or quit the game.   '
        print ''

#This method will only change if you decide to add extra options.

def printOptions():
        print ''
        print '(1) Play Craps!'
        print '(2) Print Rules'
        print '(3) Quit'
        print ''

def printDice(d1,d2):
        #declare the global variable a so that you can access the ASCII art dice
        #print the image for dice one (d1).  Note that the a variable is a list of strings.  
        #If the number passed to d1 is the value of the roll, think about where the string
        #representation for that is in the list.  That is, what element of the list stores 
        #the picture for a roll of 2? a roll of 6? 

        #print the image for dice two (d2)

def rollDie():
        #generate a random number between 1 and 6 (inclusive) and return it

        die1= randint(1,6)
        die2= randint(1,6)

        return die1, die2

def makeBet(amt):
        #get bet amount from user -- don't forget to store it in a variable!
        shooters_bet= input("The amount you would like to bet?")
        #error detection loop -- make sure that they enter a number between 1
        # and how much many they passed in.  Remember that the parameter amt
        # stores how much money the player has.  If player enters bad number
        # print an informative message and get the bet amount again

        #return the bet amount
        return shooters_bet

def playRound(amt):
        #Get bet amount by calling makeBet().  Pass it the amt that was passed 
        #to this method (so it knows whether he/she is betting more than they 
        #have.  Store what it returns in a variable.

        #Have user hit enter key to roll dice   
        raw_input("Hit ENTER to roll the dice...")

        firstTry= rollDie()
        print firstTry
        if firstTry == 7 or firstTry == 11 :
               print "You rolled a", diceTotal
               print "You Win what a Natural!"
        elif firstTry==2 or firstTry==3 or firstTry==12:
               print "You rolled a", diceTotal
               print "You Lose: Crap-Out!"
               print i
               while i !=firstTry:
                       if i == 7:
                               print "you lose"
                       if i == firstTry:
                               print "you win"
        #Roll dice 1

        #Roll dice 2

        #print the dice by calling printDice, passing it the first and second die values

        #add the values and store in a 'point' variable

        #Tell user what they rolled (the number value)

        #This variable should stay here -- later on remember that it is called roll.

        #if the point is 7 or 11, the player wins!  Print win message and 
        #return the bet amount so it can be added to the player's money 

        #if the point is 2,3, or 12, the player loses.  Print lose message
        #and return the negative bet amount so it can be subtracted from 
        #player's money

        #Enter the second phase of round -- if they didn't roll 2,3,7,11, or 12
        # then the point has been set.

        #Print the point value

        #Loop while the roll equals neither the point nor 7
        #Use the roll variable here to compare to point and to 7

                #Get user to hit enter to roll

                #Roll dice 1

                #Roll dice 2                    

                #print the dice by calling printDice

                #store sum of two dice rolls in variable called roll

                #Tell user number value of what they rolled

        #out of the loop so the user finally either rolled 7 or the point
        #if they rolled the point, print win message and return bet amount

        #else print loss message and return negative bet amount

#You can leave this function alone unless you want to add 
#additional functionality.  This is the main driver function
#that controls the game at the highest level. 
def main():
        #Leave these four lines here    
        play = 2     #set play option to 2 (print rules)
        money = 100  #initialize player money to 100
        printIntro() #Print intro screen
        #leave this loop structure unless you add more options  
        while money > 0 and play != 3 :
                #print the options

                #get input from user to determine what they want to do
                play =  int(input('What would you like to do? '))
                #enter error detection loop to ensure user enters value 
                #between 1 and 3
                while play < 1 or play > 3:
                        play =  int(input('Invalid input.  Choose 1,2, or 3'))
                #if they want to play, call playRound, passing the current balance
                if play==1:
                        money += playRound(money)
                        print 'You now have $',money
                #else if player selects 2, print the rules
                elif play==2:
        #Out of loop, game over.  Print balance and departing message.
        print 'You are leaving the table with $',money
        if money < 100: print 'Too bad, so sad -- better luck next time'
        else: 'Where you goin\' with my money??'

#Call main function (driver)
If you are going to dump a couple hundred lines of code on us, it would be helpful for us to know exactly where you are having a problem, and what the problem is.