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Full Version: How to read this properly?
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I have a reallly huge file like
{"PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond": 0.1289496429081, "DriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond": "", "AccumulatedDeltaRangeState": 1, "ReceivedSvTimeNanos": 491721930367520.0, "TimeUncertaintyNanos": "", "SnrInDb": "", "FullBiasNanos": -1.2125108815424e+18, "State": 47, "MultipathIndicator": "0", "AgcDb": "", "PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond": -80.016064827732, "TimeNanos": 40458000000, "Svid": 10, "AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters": 0.002334289252758, "AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters": -3022.5235041815, "BiasUncertaintyNanos": 5.3149323606571, "BiasNanos": 0, "CarrierPhaseUncertainty": "", "CarrierFrequencyHz2": "\n", "TimeOffsetNanos": 0, "DriftNanosPerSecond": "", "CarrierFrequencyHz": "", "ConstellationType": "1", "CarrierCycles": "", "ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos": 25, "CarrierPhase": "", "LeapSecond": "", "HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount": 0, "ElapsedRealtimeMillis": 14068886, "Id": "Raw", "Cn0DbHz": 31.292695999146} {"GPS_time": "2018-06-08 16:35:24", "Altitude": 70.768542, "Longitude": -0.337611, "Provider": "gps", "Latitude": 39.479199, "Speed": 0, "Id": "Fix", "Accuracy": 4} {"Number_of_sentences_for_full_data": 4, "Elevation_Degrees": 14, "Azimuth_degrees": 62, "Sentence_1_of_2": 3, "Number_of_satellites_in_view": 14, "Satellite_PRN_number": 21, "SNR": "33", "CheckSum_data": 7, "Satellites_in_view": "$GPGSV", "Id": "NMEA GSV"} {"Latitud": 3928.752338, "HorizontalDilutionofPosition": 0.4, "TimeinSecondsSinceLastDGPSUpdate": "51.1", "Direccion_longitud": "W", "GlobalPositioningSystemFixData": "$GPGGA", "Direccion_Latitud": "N", "FixQuality": 1, "DGPSStationIDNumber": "51.1", "Altitude": 19.6, "Geoid_height_units": "M", "ChecksumData": "M", "Fixtakenat_hh_mm_ss_UTC": 163508, "NumberofSatellitesTracked": 30, "Geoid_height": 51.1, "Altitude_units": "M", "Id": "NMEA GGA", "Longitud": 20.256369}
And i need it to make each {___,_____,_____,} a single line,
how can i make that?
It looks like json, but not well formed.
You can split at }{

EDIT: after adding output tags, it looks like each of these is separate line in the file. so why not just read it line by line?
Could you provide actual file to get better understanding of the format?