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Full Version: reading csv and store it into different variable
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#prompt user to input csv file title

x=input("please enter the title of your .csv file,key in 'QUIT' when done:")
while x != "QUIT":
    x=input("please enter the title of your .csv file,key in 'QUIT' when done:")
my code are as above.

how to change my code so that when every csv file it read, it will store starting from data_0,data_1,data_2...
currently it keep on replace the csv file to the data_i, data_i will contain the last csv it read.

untested code
filenumber = 1
suffix = 'dat' # change to whatever (like out or txt)
while True:
    filename = input('Enter csv filename, or 'quit' when done: ')
    if filename == 'quit':
    # read data here
    outfilename = 'data_{}.{}'format(filenumber, suffix)
    with open(outfilename, 'w') as ofp:
    filenumber += 1