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Full Version: Program writing excel rfile with randomnized input
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Hello everyone.

I'm new to python. I have already tried to make some smal programs as excercise and that works fine for me but now i wanted to make something useful for me.

I have different excel files (list with, names, forname, adress, phone number...). Each excel file has its own list. 

Now i want to make a program that can:
  1. make one fictive person out of the different excel files (i think mine works!)
  2. write this to a new excel file
  3. Asking the user to give how many fictive persons he wants to make and write them all to one excel file. 
I a later stage i would like to expend this to be able to choose wether i want male/female/ which province they live... . 

This is what i have for now:

import xlrd
import random
import xlsxwriter

#==> This I did for every workbook.
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("achternamen.xlsx")

worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

total_rows = worksheet.nrows

total_cols = worksheet.ncols

tableAchternamen = list()
recordAchternamen = list()

for x in range(total_rows):
   for y in range(total_cols):
   recordAchternamen = []
   x +=1

#==> This give me a result printed on Python
SlachtofferAchternaam = print(random.choice(tableAchternamen))
SlachtofferVoornamen = print(random.choice(tableVoornamen))
SlachtofferTelefoonnummer = print(random.choice(tableTelefoonnummers))
SlachtofferAdressen = print(random.choice(tableAdressen))

resultaat = (
['Achternaam', SlachtofferAchternaam],
['Voornaam', SlachtofferVoornamen],
['Telefoonnummer', SlachtofferTelefoonnummer],

#Start van de cellen die gebruikt worden
row = 0
col = 0

for item, cost in (resultaat):
   worksheet.write(row, col, item)
   worksheet.write(row, col + 1, cost)
   row += 1

Please any help is welcome! ! ! 
I'm not sure what the issue is, but I don't think your results have any values at all. print() doesn't return a value, so SlachtofferAchternaam = print(random.choice(tableAchternamen)) would mean SlachtofferAchternaam would always == None. Which is probably not what you want.

Also, you don't really need x += 1. The for loop will do that for you :p