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Full Version: Uploading multiple pdfs to Flask ( Sql alchmey) with additional variables
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Pages: 1 2
printing pdf_values gives me some sort of dict.

[<FileStorage: u'1.3MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>, <FileStorage: u'2.8MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>, <FileStorage: u'3.0MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>, <FileStorage: u'4.0MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>, <FileStorage: u'4.3MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>, <FileStorage: u'5MB.pdf' ('application/pdf')>]
I am assuming this means the information is 'unreachable' as transferring from a dict would corrupt the file ( novice programmer speaking so correct if wrong.) I will have to think of a new solution
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