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Last night I dreamed I was writing code for my current project. When I woke up my first thought was "Oh, no! I forgot to commit the changes!"
when I was younger, I often solved complex programming tasks in my sleep, with correct results!
It doesn't happen anymore.
I find that walking or riding my motorcycle helps me solve programming tasks.
(Jul-22-2018, 12:59 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: [ -> ]when I was younger, I often solved complex programming tasks in my sleep, with correct results!
It doesn't happen anymore.

I envy that. All I seem to do in sleep is scripts for absurd comedy/fiction shows.
Quote:All I seem to do in sleep is scripts for absurd comedy/fiction shows.
since most of them today are absurd, perhaps you ought to do this for a living!
I have come to the point where I cannot watch television for very long, if not because of the content,
then because of the plethora of commercials!
I usually fire up Netflix and watch a british, or russian detective serial.
Or when in season, US football (ovalball)
I think I was trying to write code in my sleep, when I took a nap this afternoon (do that a lot these days), but every time I tried to run, all that came out was:

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