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Full Version: Listing the factors of a number
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I wrote this code after taking a few basic Python courses. I welcome feedback on how to improve it.

print("This program will list the factors of a number for you.")

#Need a function to find factors of an integer.
def find_factors(integer):
    factors = []

    #It has to be 1 more than the integer to include the actual integer.
    for i in range(1, integer + 1):
        if integer % i == 0:
    return print("The factors of",integer,"are",factors,".")

#Check the input for valid.
while True:
    product = input("Enter a positive integer: ")
    if product.isalpha() == True:
        print("That is not an integer.")
    elif product.isdigit() == True:
        print("That is a valid response.")
        product = int(product) #Converts the product string into an integer.
        print("Try again.")
You only need to check up to the square root of the number. But to do that, you need to append the factor you found (i (which is a bad variable name, use more descriptive names like 'factor' or 'possible')), and the number divided by the factor.

For example, checking factors of 16, you get 2 as a factor. You add that to the factors list, as well as 16 / 2 = 8.
Being a beginner myself I'll give you the little help I can think of, you might want to document your functions, instead of using a comment line on top with:
#my comment
you could try the docstring which would give you something like this:

def find_factors(integer):
    """ Need a function to find factors of an integer.
    factors = []
Your docstring will show up when people use help().