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While I'm sure I'll be asking for a plethora of other help later, at the moment I have just as simple yes or no question...will Python allow me to create this??? [Description of what "this" is will come below.]

A little background:
I am brand-brand-new, just decided to try my hand at coding (am fairly tech savvy as a user, but have never tried any programming or development.) My aim at the moment is not to develop apps to market, but to start with just a few that will be for personal use. Some basic online "research" suggested to me that Python is a good place to start for people who have never done any app development before.

[Image: basic_structure_2.jpg]image hosting site

I hope this description will make sense, would be happy to clarify if not. The attachment is just a very simple visual representation of what I have in mind (I can work on pretty later.) The first app I would like to create would have the primary function of being data-tracking app I can use when working with students, to give me two data points: 1) percentage of responses correct and 2) percentage of responses correct with assistance, calculated based on totals that come from each trial response coming from the pressing of one of three buttons for each user. (So, each of the dots in the pic would be an interactive button - a counter for tallying.) I'd like to be able to do multiple users at a time - up to 5, as shown. As the secondary function, I want to have the app store the data internally, that is viewable in a format organized by user name; to be able to look at each user and see the date of the entries, and their percentages for each date, with the capacity for 20 or more dates to be stored per user. As such:

Susie Q:
3/15/18 45% correct without assist, 60% correct with assist
3/22/18 50% correct without assist, 62% correct with assist
Bobby Joe:
3/15/18 35% correct without assist, 40% correct with assist
3/22/18 40% correct without assist, 52% correct with assist

This wouldn't all need to be in one display – ideally, each name would be clickable then link to his or her data.

(It would be great to be able to also render a document for exporting the data to save it to the device or email it.) There are apps out there that do this sort of thing, but they either don't have the interface type I want and/or do waaaaaay too much else that don't need.

So the question is, would I be able to do this with Python? (After I learn how, of course.)

Or if not, does anyone have alternative recommendations?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Sure, you could do that in python.

For storing the data, you'd want a database. The easy answer is sqlite, which python supports out of the box:

For the interface, you can build a gui (TKinter is built in, but not pretty:, or you could build a small website using something like Flask (which is NOT builtin, but easily installed via pip:

For generating a report based off the database's contents, you could either build it yourself (outputting as html would be pretty simple, and most browsers can save that as a pdf if needed), or there's probably tools out there to just do it for you based on the database contents.
(Jul-23-2018, 06:07 PM)nilamo Wrote: [ -> ]Sure, you could do that in python.

For storing the data, you'd want a database. The easy answer is sqlite, which python supports out of the box:

For the interface, you can build a gui (TKinter is built in, but not pretty:, or you could build a small website using something like Flask (which is NOT builtin, but easily installed via pip:

For generating a report based off the database's contents, you could either build it yourself (outputting as html would be pretty simple, and most browsers can save that as a pdf if needed), or there's probably tools out there to just do it for you based on the database contents.

This is fantastically helpful info, thank you so much! Big Grin Big Grin