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I am unable to input a letter or even start the game. I was able to get the tkinter to work, but stuck on being able to play the game.

import random
from tkinter import * #Import tkinter

# Find if pressed letter is in word or not, update screen
def keyPressed(event):
    #modifying below global variable locally
    global count, latestStr, missedLetter

    current=event.char #get the pressed key

    # Check for non-letters
    if not current.isalpha():
        print("\t",current," is not a letter.")

    # Check if current letter is already guessed and missed
    if current in missedLetters:
        print("\t",current," is already in missed list")
        return # Do nothing

    # Check if current alphabet is in original word
    if current in word:
        # Remove spaces if any in latestStr string
        # Convert it into a list
        for i in range(0,len(word)): #Traverse list
            # Check if current letter exist in word

            if word[i]==current:
                # Add the current alphabet in list
                latestStr_list[i] = word[i]
        latestStr = ''.join(latestStr_list)#Append space

        # Prepare message to display on screen
        msg1="Guess a word: "+ latestStr
        msg2="Missed letters: " +missedLetters

    else: # Current alphabet is not in original word
        missedLetter+=(current+'')#Add letter to missed
        count += 1 #Increment number of attempts

        if count < 7: #Attemtpt finished
            # Prepare message to display on screen
            msg1="Guess a word: "+latestStr
            msg2="Missed letter: "+missedLetters
        else: #Finished all attempts
            # Display failure message, check for continue?
            msg1="Sorry! The word is: "+word
            msg2="To continue the game, press ENTER"

    if'*' not in latestStr: #Finished with success
        # Display success message, check for 1 more round
        msg1="Congrts! The word is: "+word
        msg2="To continue the game, press ENTER"

    # Draw the latest hangman, display message and return
    draw(count,msg1, msg2)

# Draw the latest hangman
def draw(count,msg1,msg2):
    canvas.delete("hang") # Delete previous picture, if any
    size=400 # Screen size

    # Draw base and hook
    radius = 30
    if count >= 1: #Draw sting to neck
    if count >= 2: #Draw face
        canvas.create_line(200-radius, 100-radius,
                           200+radius, 100+radius, tags="hang")
    if count >= 3: #Draw first arm
    if count >= 4: #Draw second arm
    if count >= 5: #Draw body length
    if count >= 6: #Draw one leg
    if count >= 7: #Draw second leg

    #Display message

#Start a new game
def newGame():
    #Modifying below global variable locally
    global count, latestStr, word, missedLetters
    # Randomly select a word from list
    word = random.choice(words)
    latestStr="* " *len(word)
    count = 0 #Counter for number of attempts
    missedLetters='' #List of missed alphabets
    msg1="Guess a word: " +latestStr
    #Draw the latest hangman, display messages

def play(event):

# Create a window, set its title
window = Tk()

#Global variables
word = latestStr = missedLetters = ''

# create a canvas, add it to window
canvas = Canvas(window, width = size, height = size)
canvas.pack() # Hold the pictue

# List of words
words = ["write", "that", "Program", "hello", "welcome"]
newGame() # play a new game

# Keep playing till users presses enter key
canvas.focus_set() # Required as usual focus is on mouse
canvas.bind(",keyPressed") # use presses any key

window.mainloop() #Create an event loop
You made up your own bindings for tkinter, so tkinter doesn't know what they are. An example and a list of bindings that tkinter recognizes.
wooee beat me.

You need to read. How to use bind.
bind(sequence=None, function=None, add=None)
if you don't assign a sequence to a function. Then it won't trigger.
canvas.bind("<KeyPress>", keyPressed) # bind all keys
canvas.bind("<space>", play) # override space