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This is something I have always been interested in doing. It's a work in progress but it's fully functional. Dance

#! /usr/bin/env python
# By Micah M. 2018
# weather version 1.2
# Python 3.7

def forcast():
    options = ('1 Rising', '2 Falling', '3 Steady')
    trend = input('\nChoose a trend for the barometric pressure.\n> ')
    if trend == '1':
        print('\nFairer weather on the way.\n')
    elif trend == '2':
        print('\nPoorer weather on the way.\n')
    elif trend == '3':
        print('\nNo significant change in the weather.\n')

def dewPoint():
    t = input('\nEnter the temperature in Celsius.\n> ')
    rh = input('\nEnter the relative humidity\n> ')
    formula = (int(t) - ((100 - int(rh)) / 5))
    print(f'\nThe dew point is {int(formula)} degrees Celsius.\n')

def celsius():
    convert = input('\nEnter the temperature in Celsius.\n> ')
    formula = int(convert) * 1.8 + 32
    print(f'{convert} degrees Celsius is {int(formula)} degrees Fahrenheit.\n')

def fahrenheit():
    convert = input('\nEnter the temperature in Fahrenheit.\n> ')
    formula = (int(convert) - 32) / 1.8
    print(f'{convert} degrees Fahrenheit is {int(formula)} degrees Celsius.\n')

def prompt():
    	while True:
            options = ('1 Convert from Fahrenheit', '2 Convert from Celsius',
                       '3 Find Dew Point', '4 Weather forcast', '5 Exit')
            unitChoice = input('\nWhat would you like to do?\n> ')
            if unitChoice == '1':
            elif unitChoice == '2':
            elif unitChoice == '3':
            elif unitChoice == '4':
            elif unitChoice == '5':
                raise SystemExit
                print('\nInvalid Entry\n')
