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Full Version: How does pathlib.Path.rename work?
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I want to write a small script for a friend who has a bunch of images restored after deletion ( 50 gigs ) and I'm trying to use the pathlib module for this. But the renamed files are moved into the working directory. How does rename method work?

Here is the initial code:

path = Path(args.path)
files = (f for f in path.rglob('*') if f.is_file())

for f in files:
    ext = f.suffix
    if ext != '.py':
        stats = f.stat()
        name = Path(datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_mtime).strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))
The directory contains two more with the images inside them. When I run the code all images are renamed and moved to the working directory ( the root scan directory for example. The default path is '.').
you can use directly, since f is a pathlib object
I am doing just that but the files are moved to the working directory.
@volcano63, if you look at the code snippet I am using Path.rename method. But it's not happening what I expect.
This is the directory structure:
   |   |-img_1
   |   |-img_2
   |   |-...
When I run the script this happens:
I can do it with os module but I want to know how pathlib works and what it's capable of.
here is a pathlib data structure for an application I am working on.
It spans many directories and sub directories and may or may not be of any use for your application, but I offer it just the same:
# Code files found here: 
from pathlib import Path
import os
import inspect

class BizPaths:
    def __init__(self):

        self.homepath = Path('.')
        self.rootpath = self.homepath / '..'

        self.datapath = self.rootpath / 'data'

        self.dbpath = self.datapath / 'database'

        self.jsonpath = self.datapath / 'json'

        self.rawdatapath = self.datapath / 'RawData'

        self.countrypath = self.rawdatapath / 'Country'

        self.usapath = self.countrypath / 'USA'

        self.Countries = {
            'USA': {
                'Alaska': self.usapath / 'Alaska',
                'Alabama': self.usapath / 'Alabama',
                'Arkansas': self.usapath / 'Arkansas',
                'AmericanSamoa': self.usapath / 'AmericanSamoa',
                'Arizona': self.usapath / 'Arizona',
                'California': self.usapath / 'California',
                'Colorado': self.usapath / 'Colorado',
                'Connecticut': self.usapath / 'Connecticut',
                'WashingtonDC': self.usapath / 'WashingtonDC',
                'Delaware': self.usapath / 'Delaware',
                'Florida': self.usapath / 'Florida',
                'FederatedStatesOfMicronesia': self.usapath / 'FederatedStatesOfMicronesia',
                'Georgia': self.usapath / 'Georgia',
                'Guam': self.usapath / 'Guam',
                'Hawaii': self.usapath / 'Hawaii',
                'Iowa': self.usapath / 'Iowa',
                'Idaho': self.usapath / 'Idaho',
                'Illinois': self.usapath / 'Illinois',
                'Indiana': self.usapath / 'Indiana',
                'Kansas': self.usapath / 'Kansas',
                'Kentucky': self.usapath / 'Kentucky',
                'Louisiana': self.usapath / 'Louisiana',
                'Massachusetts': self.usapath / 'Massachusetts',
                'Maryland': self.usapath / 'Maryland',
                'Maine': self.usapath / 'Maine',
                'MarshallIslands': self.usapath / 'MarshallIslands',
                'Michigan': self.usapath / 'Michigan',
                'Minnesota': self.usapath / 'Minnesota',
                'Missouri': self.usapath / 'Missouri',
                'Mississippi': self.usapath / 'Mississippi',
                'Montana': self.usapath / 'Montana',
                'NorthCarolina': self.usapath / 'NorthCarolina',
                'NorthDakota': self.usapath / 'NorthDakota',
                'NorthernMarianaIslands': self.usapath / 'NorthernMarianaIslands',
                'Nebraska': self.usapath / 'Nebraska',
                'NewHampshire': self.usapath / 'NewHampshire',
                'NewJersey': self.usapath / 'NewJersey',
                'NewMexico': self.usapath / 'NewMexico',
                'Nevada': self.usapath / 'Nevada',
                'NewYork': self.usapath / 'NewYork',
                'Ohio': self.usapath / 'Ohio',
                'Oklahoma': self.usapath / 'Oklahoma',
                'Oregon': self.usapath / 'Oregon',
                'Pennsylvania': self.usapath / 'Pennsylvania',
                'PuertoRico': self.usapath / 'PuertoRico',
                'Palau': self.usapath / 'Palau',
                'RhodeIsland': self.usapath / 'RhodeIsland',
                'SouthCarolina': self.usapath / 'SouthCarolina',
                'SouthDakota': self.usapath / 'SouthDakota',
                'Tennessee': self.usapath / 'Tennessee',
                'Texas': self.usapath / 'Texas',
                'Utah': self.usapath / 'Utah',
                'Virginia': self.usapath / 'Virginia',
                'VirginIslands': self.usapath / 'VirginIslands',
                'Vermont': self.usapath / 'Vermont',
                'Washington': self.usapath / 'Washington',
                'Wisconsin': self.usapath / 'Wisconsin',
                'WestVirginia': self.usapath / 'WestVirginia',
                'Wyoming': self.usapath / 'Wyoming'

        self.geodatabase = self.dbpath / 'GeoDatabase.db'
        self.Idaho_Boise_html = self.Countries['USA']['Idaho'] / 'Boise' \
            / 'https:_www.accessidaho.org_public_sos_corp_search.html'

        self.codepath = self.rawdatapath / 'Codes'

        self.usapath = self.Countries['USA']

        self.us_business_infopath = self.rawdatapath / 'US-BusinessInfo'

        self.us_business_info_states_html = self.us_business_infopath / 'html'

        self.us_business_info_url = ''

        self.native_american = self.codepath / 'AIAlist.txt'
        self.national_names = self.codepath / 'NationalFileDomesticNames.txt'
        self.county = self.codepath / 'RawCountyData.txt'
        self.county_sub = self.codepath / 'RawCountySub.txt'
        self.places = self.codepath / 'national_places.txt'
        self.state_cd = self.codepath / 'national_state_codes.txt'
        self.school_districts = self.codepath / 'national_schdist.txt'
        self.voting_districts = self.codepath / 'national_vtd.txt'
        self.congressional_districts = self.codepath / 'national_cd115.csv'

        self.native_american_json = self.jsonpath / 'NativeAmericanAreas.json'
        self.national_names_json = self.jsonpath / 'NationalFileDomesticNames.json'
        self.county_json = self.jsonpath / 'County.json'
        self.county_sub_json = self.jsonpath / 'CountySub.json'
        self.place_json = self.jsonpath / 'Place.json'
        self.state_json = self.jsonpath / 'State.json'
        self.school_districts_json = self.jsonpath / 'SchoolDistricts.json'
        self.voting_districts_json = self.jsonpath / 'VotingDistricts.json'
        self.congressional_districts_json = self.jsonpath / 'CongressionalDistricts.json'


    def get_us_business_city_url(self, state):
        state is 2 character abbreviation
        filename = self.us_business_info_states_html / f'{state}_state.html'
        url = f'{self.us_business_info_url}/{state}'
        return filename, url

    def get_us_business_state_city_url(self, city, state):
        city is full city name all lowercase
        state is 2 character abbreviation
        return f'{self.us_business_info_url}/{city}-{state}'

    def get_dir_contents(self, path):
        if isinstance(path, Path) and path.exists():
            return [entry for entry in path.iterdir()]
        return None

    def create_all_directories(self, path):
        for key, value in path.items():
            if isinstance(value, dict):
            elif isinstance(value, Path) and not value.is_file():

def testit():
    bp = BizPaths()
    Scottsdale = bp.usapath['Arizona'] / 'Scottsdale'

    files = bp.get_dir_contents(Scottsdale)

    if files is not None:
        for file in files:
        print('Scottsdale directory is empty')

if __name__ == '__main__':
@wavic, looks like new path does not contain dir_2 component, so instead of moving to your designated folder, you are moving it to the current folder. The fault is with the provided path - not with pathlib.rename

That worked - sorry, no fancy pics Wink . I moved a file from a folder test1 to a folder test2

In [59]: source = pathlib.Path('playground/test1/') In [60]: source.exists() Out[60]: True In [61]: source.rename('playground/test2/') In [62]: os.listdir('playground/test1') Out[62]: [] In [63]: os.listdir('playground/test2') Out[63]: ['']
Hm! So the rename method doesn't count the path to the file and I have to provide it on my own? Good! That will solve the issue