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Full Version: Trying to subtract datetime, getting error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) fo
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Hi there

From my understanding, you can use the
import datetime
module to subtract two different datetimes. But when I try to execute this, my code throws the error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'tuple'. Below is my code. Any reason why this isn't working? Everything is formatted the same.

flightDate = datetime.datetime(flight_year, flight_month, flight_day, flight_hour, 0, 0) 
GFSDate = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
GFSDate = str(GFSDate)
GFSDateTime = datetime.datetime(int(GFSDate[:4]),int(GFSDate[4:6]),int(GFSDate[6:]),GFSTime, 0, 0)
def findGFSTimeIndex(predictionDateTime, GFSDateTime):
    diff = predictionDateTime - GFSDateTime
    return int(np.round((diff.total_seconds()/3600)/3))
But I am actually using it with these parameters later on, which is where it is getting snagged:
timeIndex = GFSReader.findGFSTimeIndex(flightDate, gfsDate)
Which then gives the error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'tuple'
I'm confused where this is coming from because everywhere I have looked, it says you can subtract datetime.datetime values. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Because you're passing gfsDate, not GFSDatetime. I'm assuming gfsDate came from the time module, which uses tuples.