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25 blank lines in my sorted_fruits output list don't know how to get rid of them! Don't know how they got there!here is my script
# This just gives you a feel that something is happening.
print('Sorting started')

# This defines where the ipnput and output files are
fin = open('unsorted_fruits.txt', 'r')
fout = open('sorted_fruits.txt', 'w')

# This reads the input file
Fruits = fin.readlines()

# This sorts the input file

# This for loop writes the fruits to the sorted_fruits list.
for fruit in Fruits:

# This cloes both files.

# This just lets you know that the sorting is finished.
print('Sorting finished')
If you run it the output sorted_fruits.txt file has 25 empty lines and then the list starts. This was for home work but i've already turned it in I just want to know if I can get the lines removed? I can't figure it out.
I guess you have 25 blank lines at the end of your input file 'unsorted_fruits.txt'
Does unsorted_fruits.txt come from a different os?

test the line endings

import os

padding = 20

file = '/unsorted_fruits.txt'
if os.path.isfile(file):
    if "\r\n" in open(file,"r").read():
        print (file.ljust(padding, " ")," : DOS line endings found")
    if "\n" in open(file,"r").read():
        print  (file.ljust(padding, " "), " : UNIX line endings found")
    if "\r" in open(file,"r").read():
        print (file.ljust(padding, " ")," : MAC line endings found")
No there are no lines on the input file.
Can you share your input file? I don't think it's line-ending issue because in this case it will be extra blank line between other lines.
here is the unsorted_fruits txt file.
Testing file.
with open('fruit.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
'papaya\n' '\n' 'kiwifruit\n' '\n' 'zapote blanco\n' '\n' 'huckleberry\n' '\n' 'banana\n' '\n' 'fig\n' '\n'
So the maker of file have manged to get 2 new line \n between words.
Clean up:
with open('fruit.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        if line.strip():
papaya kiwifruit zapote blanco huckleberry banana fig lime xigua vanilla
Want a list:
with open('fruit.txt') as f:
    lst = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()]
>>> lst[:10] ['papaya', 'kiwifruit', 'zapote blanco', 'huckleberry', 'banana', 'fig', 'lime', 'xigua', 'vanilla', 'yiessas']
Thank you everybody for your help!