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Full Version: Where to start as a beginner
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Hello guys,

I'd like to ask your opinion about learning to program, and the python language. I've a background of programming about 15 years ago, and I didn't use them since (so it is nothing, I just remember about what the if statement about and cycles).
As I heard python is a great language to start with, and my aim is change my workplace sometime even on python, or on other language (Now I work as an internal auditor, which is not programming related).
Where should I start, what do you reckon?

I have the Head First Books (Programming and Python), and I have some books from my native language, which is better, but the books are older like python 2.x and older...
Or should I watch or udemy movies?
How should I train myself?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Oh and I have the Sololearn tutorial on my phone and tablet, but don't find that very useful... More of a game I think...
(Dec-14-2016, 10:02 PM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]

I was looking a little bit on it, but I couldn't find the most beginner stuff at first glance...
If I should start there, what would be your recommendations?
(Dec-14-2016, 09:59 PM)godmode Wrote: [ -> ]older like python 2.x and older...

Python 2.7 and 3.5 are both actively developed. Although py3 is recommended when starting out, the differences are small but profound.

When I was in a bit same situation, I just wanted to see some python in praxis, without too much theoretical explanation up front, so I can recommend the Python video class by Nick Parlante
They way I learned was to give myself a small assignment and dig in.
Once I got that to work, I did it again adding new functionality to a new task.
I'm still doing the same today, although on a much higher level, and using the
book fluent Python.

This worked for me, it may not for you, but it's an idea
If you like holiday themed projects, you could start with advent of code: