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suppose you (of today) and all your memory were transported back in time to 1966 when the popular computer was the IBM System/360 mainframe that only largish businesses and major universities could afford (usually only one of). and suppose you go to work re-creating the Python language (maybe with your personal changes). what would you name it, in that day and age?
In 1966, people were very close to creating the B language, the father of the C language. OOP was not born and Python would have to wait another 25 years.
I guess even Micropython don't run with this limitations.
If I ever been ported back to 1966, I would do something with analog computers.

For example: you don't need a digital computer to do differential equations.
The old people know this.

The roof construction of the Munic Olympia building was calculated with stockings for woman.

The Calculation of a minimal area of a complex shape can be done by bubbles.
A digital computer do this computation with iterations. An analog computer does this
calculation in a single step.

In 1966 the digital computer were an anomaly. Digital computers were seen as special use case.
Today it's reversed. You'll not find much analog computers in real use.
Quote:If I ever been ported back to 1966, I would do something with analog computers.
My dad ran a small technology company that was started in the 1950's. He swore by analog computers, and insisted that
digital computers would never survive. I always thought there was room for both. As an analogy, think of analog and digital multi-meters.
Digital meters are great for instantaneous measurements, but try to tune a coil to null and it can only be done (properly) with an analog (I still have and use my Tripplet) meter. Actually you can still buy them here.
there are lots of things you can do with analog computers, depending on how many channels you have. lots of problems are worked on digital computers by emulating analog computers.

digital computers fit in well for business and text processing. when i was in college we would sometimes go over to the accelerator lab and the ops would set up the matrix boards on their analog computer (they also had a digital computer to store answers) to run a star wars game. it could do a hundred planets, accurately, with speed that rivals myriad-core GPUs of today.
i am waiting for that, too. i do think they should also do optical processors. i also have a theory idea how to trap a single photon and hold onto while it spins on a circle. being just one photon it will lose partial energy. the only way to lose energy is to lose the whole photon.