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Full Version: How to comma seprate csv but not all cells
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I am reading a csv file whose data structures looks like this [attachment=464]

i am trying to read it and convert it into comma separated list so that i can access every element separately

below is my code:
def Residential():
    global url, parse_url
    filename = "Residential.csv"
    f = open(filename, "r")
    for line in f.readlines():
        data = line.split(",")
        builderid = data[0]
        buildername = data[1]
        buildingname = data[2]
        address = data[3]
        city = data[4]
        locality = data[5]
        building_id = data[6]
        apartment = data[7].replace("\"","")
        status = data[8].replace("\"","")
        cdate = data[9]
        bhk = data[10]
        rnumber = data[11]
        rurl = data[12]
element 7 and 10 which are property type and bhk also got separated by "," how can i not to separate these by comma and read element 7 into list and element 10 as it is.

Like this i want to read it
['11916', 'testBuild', 'Test Building', 'Udaipur sector-5 Hiran Magri', '181', '753180', '794950', [1,2], 'UC', '2018-08-22', "2BHK, 3BHK", '', '\n']
this is result i have received:
['11916', 'testBuild', 'Test Building', 'Udaipur sector-5 Hiran Magri', '181', '753180', '794950', '"1', '2"', 'UC', '2018-08-22', '"2BHK', ' 3BHK"', '', '\n']
try to use csv module, don't split at commas on line 6. I guess the csv file is properly formated, then property type columns is double quoted because there is comma in the value and csv module will process it correctly