Python Forum

Full Version: Strings, index and slicing
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Single and Double Quotes


Triple Quotes

Escape Sequences

Raw Strings

Indexing and slicing

String Conversion
str(), int(), and repr()

Character Code Conversions
ord() and chr()

String Changing

String Methods


str.capitalize(), str.title(), str.lower(), str.upper(), str.swapcase()

I feel like string formatting can be a separate post, especially since this is pretty long. We might want to create a sub-forum for "retired" tutorials, and aim for smaller ones, as some of these are, I feel, longer than they need to be in a way that doesn't foster learning the basics as well.
oooOOOoo, yeah! I would probably keep the need-to-know stuff expanded, and hide stuff which is less basic.
i was thinking the whole thing as an index, that you choose what you want to expand and view (since there are so many). You can easily see the list of entirety.
Hm. That sounds more like a reference than a tutorial to me. I guess it's not that a deal though, occasionally clicking to expand as you go through. It's definitely more organized.