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Full Version: Infinite loop/ only half working
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Hi all - I'm auditing a MOOC, and have to create code for the following question:
# [ ] use a while True loop (forever loop) to give 4 chances for input of a correct color in a rainbow
# rainbow = "red orange yellow green blue indigo violet"

When I enter a color that isn't in "rainbow" it causes an infinite loop. If I enter one that is in "rainbow" it performs as it should. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here's my code:

rainbow = "red orange yellow green blue indigo violet"
color = input("Guess a color of the rainbow: ")
counter = 0

while True:
    if color.lower() in rainbow:
        print("Correct!", color.capitalize(), "is a color in the rainbow!")
    elif counter < 4:
        if color.lower() in rainbow == False:
            counter += 1
            print("Sorry that color is not in the rainbow.")
The question for the user needs to be in the loop, otherwise it can only be asked once.

There is another minor issue, note that
>>> rainbow = "red orange yellow green blue indigo violet"
>>> "ange yel" in rainbow
Hi, thank you for this! I moved the question into the loop, and added commas for separation. I believe my problem had to do with the counter location, but I think I figured it out. Thank you!
(Sep-08-2018, 10:52 PM)anclark686 Wrote: [ -> ]added commas for separation
I think Griboullis suggest to make it a list/tuple/set
also the break after the first if statement needs not be there, because if True, then the loop runs, with break it stops
(Sep-09-2018, 07:19 AM)gitiya Wrote: [ -> ]also the break after the first if statement needs not be there, because if True, then the loop runs, with break it stops
that is the idea - break out of the loop if color in rainbow...