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Full Version: Basic program
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I was asked to write the below program. Please let me know what is the best solution.

Input: [124678,1134546,9091102]
Output: [246817, 4461135, 2009911]

even digits should be in the beginning of the given element while odd digits should be placed at the end of the string.

How do you write this program?

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Are you going to do this on numbers, or strings of digits?

The latter would be better.

One approach:
  • create a string of even digits, evens
  • create a string of odd digits, odds
  • iterate through the source list of strings, for each entry:
    • build string of even digits in order found in entry i.e. digits found in evens string
    • build string of odd digits in order found in entry i.e. digits found in odds string
    • concatenate the two strings and add to list of output strings
  • output the list of output strings