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Full Version: best python specialization to career at home with?
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I've been learning python for about a month, and I'm starting to feel confident about self sufficient learning. i.e. I'm capable learning most of the stuff by myself atm. Not that that's always the best \ fastest , but its certainly a core resource.

What I want to know now from the community is :
 Which way should I go now? I'm not bothered about what specialization to go into, not too bothered about getting a high paid job soon.

 Ideally I'd like to work from home \ not in office. I know some website designers who work from home. Is website design the best ticket for working from home? Or is there a better specialization? General application design? Databases? web Scripting?

My guess would be web design, so unless you've got better advice, I will move towards spending the next months on django.