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Hello everybody,

I read data from an MySQL server and it gives me the info as a list dictionaries:

db_ewon =  con.cursor(dictionary=True)
db_ewon.execute("SELECT Name,Id FROM esync_stations")
df_ewon = db_ewon.fetchall()

for x in df_ewon[0:5]:
    print (x)
The result:

{'Name': 'Station1', 'Id':1}
{'Name': 'Station2', 'Id':5}
{'Name': 'Station3', 'Id':3}
{'Name': 'Station4', 'Id':9}
{'Name': 'Station5', 'Id':2}
I want to put all this data in 1 dictionary with the heads: 'Name' and 'Id'
The dictionary looks like this:

Can somebody help me please
dict comprehension:
new_dict = {item['Name']:item['Id'] for item in df_ewon[0:5]}
note you can also iterate over cursor as iterator -
example from the docs
# Using the cursor as iterator
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM employees")
for row in cursor:
As you know the key names, you can use a simple dictionary comprehension with a for loop to step through the list.

For example,

list_ = [{'Name': 'Station1', 'Id':1},
{'Name': 'Station2', 'Id':5},
{'Name': 'Station3', 'Id':3},
{'Name': 'Station4', 'Id':9},
{'Name': 'Station5', 'Id':2}]

new_dict = {dict_['Name']: dict_['Id'] for dict_ in list_}