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Full Version: Gtk.EntryCompletion, get all suggestions, not only beginning with entered string.
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Hey there,

Have a Gtk.EntryCompletion connected to a textbox like this:
liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str)
f = open("", 'r').readlines()
for item in f:

self.entrycompletion = Gtk.EntryCompletion()

self.entry = self.builder.get_object('Tbo_Species')
If i type something into my TextEntry, i got all suggestions from liststore, beginning with the entered string.
So if I type "bi", i get suggestions like "Bienenfresser", "Birkhuhn" or "Birkenzeisig".

How can I reconfigure the Gtk.EntryCompletion to also get suggestions not starting but containing "bi"? Have found a documentation about Python and GTK, but got no information about how to realize the described scenery.

Best Wishes,