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Full Version: Python networking vs classes
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Hey.I try to write a class that has url, login and password, and also cookies and content and I dont know how to approach this task, doing it without classes is easy but I have to learn this too.

class loginTest():
	def __init__(self):
		s = requests.Session()

	def login(self,login_user,login_pass):
		data = {'username': login_user,'password': login_pass}
		return'targetURL', data=data)
	def showMe(self,cookies,content):
		request = self.s.get("targetURL")
		content = self.s.content
		cookies = self.s.cookies.get_dict()

a = loginTest()
You don't call method(a.login()) and it has to be self.s in __init__.
Can get away with a.login if use @property.
cookies,content you get in show_me method so nothing shall in.
import requests

class LoginTest():
    def __init__(self):
        self.s = requests.Session()

    def login(self,login_user, login_pass):
        params = {'username': login_user, 'password': login_pass}
        return'target_url', params=params)

    def show_my(self):
        request = self.s.get("targt_url_after_login")
        content = self.s.content
        cookies = self.s.cookies.get_dict()
        print(content, cookies)

a = LoginTest()
Thanks for replying!
I think I understand more now, but still have some issues with making it work:

TypeError: login() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'login_user' and 'login_pass'

The same with giving the params in parentheses:
TypeError: login() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'login_user' and 'login_pass'

Looks like it doesnt see my variables with credentials somehow.
It should only be @property in last method,my mistake.
import requests

class LoginTest():
    def __init__(self):
        self.s = requests.Session()

    def login(self,login_user, login_pass):
        params = {'username': login_user, 'password': login_pass}
        return'target_url', params=params)

    def show_my(self):
        request = self.s.get("targt_url_after_login")
        content = self.s.content
        cookies = self.s.cookies.get_dict()
        print(content, cookies)

a = LoginTest()
a.login('kent', '1234')
Oh, also had to edit requests.Session cause it has no content attribute but it works like a charm now, thanks man, you are amazing!
Do you know some good sources to learn more practical coding with classes like this? I did finished some courses but it was functional mostly or just clearly theoretical oop.
