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Im not sure if this should be posted in the games section but the only library its using is random. I got this code online to try to understand it and then write my own but I came across a problem.

This is what happens when i guess all the right letters

____t__tte_ttestYou won

What i want to happen is that after I guess one letter correct, I want it to print a new line below instead of right next to it, Ive tried stuff with newlines and stuff like that but have not figured it out. Original it was printer in a column so I added "end = ''" and that fixed that problem but now I have this problem.

name = input("What is your name? ")

print("Hello, " + name, "Time to play hangman!")

print ("")

import random

word = "test"

guesses = ''

turns = 10

while turns > 0:         

    failed = 0             

    for char in word:      

        if char in guesses:    
            print(char, end = '') 

            print("_", end = '')     

            failed += 1    


    if failed == 0:        
        print("You won")



    guess = input("guess a character: ")

    guesses += guess                    

    if guess not in word:  
        turns -= 1        
        print("You have", + turns, 'more guesses') 
        if turns == 0:           
            print("You Lost, sad face")
            print("the word was:")
you added end='' argument to print function because it was printing in a column and now you are surprised it prints on the same line?
No, I wanted it to print on the same line. Originally it was:

Guess a letter:

So I changed it. To Guess a letter: - - - - But now, when I get a correct guess, it just appends it to the current line, I want it to print a newline then instead of appending.

I want it to be like this:

(The word is test)

Guess a letter: e


Guess a letter: t


Like that.
Right, but that is what is putting "You won" on the same line as everything else. Put a plain print() at the end of the for loop to move the output to the next line.