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Full Version: why is this variable not printing out properly?
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(Apr-08-2018, 04:21 PM)IAMK Wrote: [ -> ]Could you please explain why that is?
To me, a simple typecast to string seems cleaner.
It's string formatting,try to format a string with typecast +,'" can get very ugly soon.
city = 'Oslo'
temperature = 25
finance = 123.92978665554154545

print(f'City "{city}" temperature {temperature} and fiance stands in marked {finance:.2f}')
City "Oslo" temperature 25 and fiance stands in marked 123.93
No string formatting.
print('City ' + '"' + city + '"' + ' temperature ' + str(temperature) + ' and fiance stands in marked', finance)
City "Oslo" temperature 25 and fiance stands in marked 123.92978665554155
f-strings can take any Python expressions inside the curly braces.
Some super power.
>>> name = 'f-string'
>>> print(f"My cool string formatting is called {name.upper():*^20}")
My cool string formatting is called ******F-STRING******
>>> cost = 99.75999
>>> finance = 50000
>>> print(f'Toltal cost {cost + finance:.2f}')
Toltal cost 50099.76
>>> for word in 'f-strings are cool'.split():
...     print(f'{word.upper():~^20}')
@snippsat, Thanks for the response. The print(f is really nice.
I was under the impression that a typecast would simply be
print('The city's temperature is ' + string(variabletemperature) + ' degrees.')
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