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Full Version: I'm looking for some help with winsound
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Ok, so my code works. Running it in idle works fine and it plays the sound however when I try to run the program in the regular python console I hear the little windows error noise. Here is my code
def main():
        Omniscence = input("how is it going")
        print(Omniscence + ",Ok")
        print("let me ask you a question...")
        Answer = input("would you rather fight 100 chicken sized horses or 10 horse sized chicken")
        Name = input("hey, so what's your name anyway")
        print("so" + Name )
        Color = input("what's your favorite color ")
        if Color == "red":
            print("Red, really... I don't really like that one")
        if Color == "blue":
            print("Oh, okay not my favorite but its okay.")
        if Color == "pink":
            print("What!!!!, I hate pink")
            import winsound
            winsound.PlaySound('Game Laugh Sound.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
            print("Game Over")
            print("you failed")
            print(" ")
            print(" ")
            print(" ")
            print(" ")
while True:
    if input("Repeat the program? (Y/N)").strip().upper() != 'Y':
Would appreciate the help. Thx Big Grin

Btw this is a script I made to freak out my friend.