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Full Version: Finding the Young's Modulues in a curve stress strain
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Hello !

I am working on my scrip, I import some date and I plot a curve stress x strain, I have to get the Young's Modulus, the Limit of Elasticity and the Stress at 0,2% of plastic deformation. Does anyone know how can I get the young's modulus ?

I did the following for importing my data and plotting it:

import numpy as np
import math 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path

def founction_chemin ():
    print ("\nEntrez le chemin des données expérimentales de l'essai de traction:\n")
    return chemin_entre

def Variables():
    variable = []
    return (float(variable))

#déclaration des variables

chemin= founction_chemin()
data_from_file = np.loadtxt(chemin)

print ("\nEntrez le rayon en mm")
rayon = Variables () 
surface= (((rayon)*10.**(-3.))**2)*math.pi
print ("\nEntrez la longuer en mm")
longueur = Variables()

deformations = ((data_from_file[:,1])/longueur)*100 #100%
contraintes = ((data_from_file[:,2])/surface)

#paramètres matériaux
#contrainte maximale
contrainte_maximale = contraintes.max()

plt.plot(deformations, contraintes)
plt.title("Courbe contrainte x déformation")
plt.xlabel('Déformation (%)')
plt.ylabel('Contrainte (Pa)')
PS: variables and descriptions are in French

Thank you very much !
According to wikipedia, Young's modulus is the stress divided by the strain, or in french the "contrainte" divided by the "déformation". As you are plotting the stress versus the strain, I think it shouldn't be too difficult.