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My laptop did a windows update the other day. Now my powershell won't notice the path to pyton. Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix it?
Thank you,
Emily S.
It sounds like your path got mangled during the update.
Best choice is to reinstall python. Use the tutorial here:+

  1. Hit windows key
  2. Type 'envir'
  3. select "Edit the System Environmental Variables"
  4. Add the directory path to where your python installation folder is installed, your lib folder, etc. (Follow the video Larz posted for required dir's)

Changing the environment is the way that I would do it, but be extremely careful as you can cause damage if you make a mistake. That's why I suggested re-installation. If you are comfortable with changing environment variables, then that's the quickest method.
I think this might be an issue we'll see more often. When my computer did the October update, python's help() started throwing errors, saying man couldn't be found. Which confused me, because I wasn't on Linux, but it turned out that the Scripts directory was removed from my PATH. Python's folder was still there, so python launched normally, which really threw me for a loop lol
Thank you everyone for the help! It's working now. I'm happily back to coding and not cussing at my computer.