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Full Version: how do i make a compiler?
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so yeeterday i watched this pyhton playlist and i think Im good enough now at programming so i thinked why I dont make a littel compiler?just to pracectis and see how my current programming skills are
do somebody knows how i can make a compilre? Please give a bit code

thanks in advance **biggrin** **biggrin** **biggrin**
I think the first step would be to decide how much you want to do. Do you want to write a parser? What do you want to compile your language to? Assembly? LLVM IR? A different language?

There are very good tools for parsing/lexing a language for you, to help cut some of the steps out. You'll probably want to use either PLY or Antlr.

There's a great free book, that's still being written, that goes through the process of writing an interpreter:
It uses Java, however, instead of Python.

The Original book, the Dragon book, is what was (...and might still be?) used to teach compiler theory in colleges such as MIT:

Stack Overflow also tells me that this book is highly recommended:
Aho's book was my bible.