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Full Version: pymqi and group id (MQ)
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I am not able or too stupid to set the group id for webshere MQ.
Example code:

import pymqi
qmgr = pymqi.connect("MQ_TT", "MY.CLIENT", "10.33.444.55(1420)", "tt", "tt")
queue = pymqi.Queue(qmgr, "TT_QUEUE")
mqmd = pymqi.MD()
mqmd['MsgFlags'] = pymqi.CMQC.MQMF_MSG_IN_GROUP
mqmd["GroupId"] = "thomasg"
mqmd["CorrelId"] = "thomasc"
mqmd["MsgId"] = "thomasm"
queue.put("test", mqmd)
Correlation Id and message id is set, group id is 0.
Is this a bug? Or is something missing?

Using spring-python jms_template and TextMessage also dont set the group id.

Regards Thomas