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Full Version: How read Table Structure from Database
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I want to read the table description for particular table database and create the hive QL (HQL) statement
to create table in Hive using python code.

Can anyone please help how this can be achieved.

you didn't say the DBMS name.
Most have a way to display the schema.
If sqlite3:
install sqlite3, on Linux Mint, use:
sudo apt install sqlite3
You will have to look up command for other systems, see:

from command line:
  • sqlite3 yourdbname
  • sqlite> .output 'schema.txt'
  • sqlite> .schema
  • sqlite> .quit
I want to handle it in script data base will be anyone Oracle,Mysql.

Script should connect to database and fetch the table structure of table which is passed in script
A few years ago, I wrote a small script to print the structure of an sqlite database from python. I hope it helps.
Hi All...
I am trying to make a list from the table values I retrieved using below method

tabledata=browser.get_table_data("Xpath__//div[@class='col-md-12 hui-display']/div/div")
#print("printing table data")
import pandas as pd
print("printing the data frame")

I am getting data in a not so defined formatt

How do I get data from a table with all the header and keep it in a list to compare it with my test data. Please help me out understand this
hemasri ... Please start your own thread.
Your post has nothing to do with this thread and doesn't belong here.