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Full Version: How to iterate through sub-children in TkTree?
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            for children in self.points_tree.get_children():
                child = self.points_tree.item(children)
This works perfectly for iterating through the parent children in the tree, but how do I iterate through the sub-children of each parent within the tree? I've attached an image for visual purposes.

Omg, Found the solution once again. Or at least a solution for now.

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

def get_sub_children():
    for children in tree.get_children():
        child = tree.get_children(children)
        print(children, child)

root = tk.Tk()

btn = tk.Button(root, text='press', command=lambda: get_sub_children())
tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=1)
tree.pack(fill='both', expand=True)

tree.insert("", tk.END, values='1')

for i in range(1, 5):
    for children in tree.get_children():
        tree.insert(children, tk.END, values=i)

this seemed to do the trick for me.
I001 ('I002', 'I003', 'I004', 'I005')