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Full Version: Don't Understand what I am doing wrong : Can someone help?
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user=input("Hello, I am the computer. What is your name? : ")
print("Hello,", user)
user=input("Chris, do you enjoy programing? : ")
print("I enjoy it as well. I happen to run on programs.") if "yes" else ("Why not : ?")
user=input("What do you like to program? : " if "yes" else input("Why don't you enjoy programing? : "))
On the fourth line, I am trying to get the computer to respond "Why not : ?" after I enter no, on the line above that. Every time I try to fix it and find out why it is not working, the computer keeps responding "I enjoy it as well. I happen to run on programs." Can someone please help me to understand what I am either missing or doing wrong. I am new to using Python and it is hard for me to find mistakes that I have made.
Thank you. Big Grin Think
if "yes":
    # you need to do something here.
    ("Why not : ?")
same on line 5
user=input("Hello, I am the computer. What is your name? : ")
print("Hello,", user)
user=input ("Chris, do you enjoy programing? : ")
if "yes" :
print("I enjoy it as well. I happen to run on programs")
else :
("Why not : ?")
Hello, I am the computer. What is your name? : chris
Hello, chris
Chris, do you enjoy programing? : no
I enjoy it as well. I happen to run on programs

Process finished with exit code 0

I don't understand why the computer does not respond with "Why not : ?"
First of all, Larz pointed out that you need to post code in python tags, and gave you a link on how to do it. Fix that.

Second, it's because you are only testing 'yes'. 'yes' is True, because all non-empty strings are True. You need to specify that you are testing to see if user is yes (if user == 'yes':), otherwise the computer has no idea what youare trying to do.