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Full Version: First non-repeating char and some errors.
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Hey, I do some coding challenges online and I have issue with this one.

At first I did this:
>>> q = lambda s:['' if not s else c for c in s if s.count(c)<=1][0]
>>> q('~><#~><')
But it throw some assertion error on website, something is bugged with their tests so I cant use any indexing and lists cause it throws out of range error, sounds like more challenge but Im stuck with:
>>> def first_non_repeating_letter(x):
    for i in list(x):
        if i.isalpha():
        if f==1:
            return i
    return ""

>>> first_non_repeating_letter('~><#~><')
It should return '#' but it returns "" or None so it basically jumps over the counting to the empty string case and I dont know why.
The problem is line 8. Because f is defined outside of the loop, it never resets to 0. So, the function checks for "~" and add 2 to f; now that f = 2, it checks for "<" and adds two again; etc.

As an added challenge, I refactored this to only 8 lines (including two blank lines) and only called str.lower() once. Give that a shot.